Today we are going to look another FPS game, why!? I have no clue, most likely I am in the mood for these games while preparing other reviews. We are going to become serious now, as we are going to reviews Serious Sam the second encounter. That is right, it is time to mow down hordes of enemies again. I wonder if there is ever going to be a game that will see the story continue.
What did I think before playing Serious Sam the second encounter?
This is one of the Serious Sam games I have never played. As I usually liked to play Serious Sam 1 more. Or when it released, Serious Sam 3. I want to mop up the remaining games in this franchise. Meaning I am going to look at Serious Sam 4 soon as well. After a quick check I found out that this game was released in 2002. Alright, I feel old, because I always kept saying, I am going to try it soon. Well, we should check the Steam page for some information first.
The Steam page
The first thing that pops out is that there will be many environments to explore, I wonder if the graphics have aged well. There is off course a large single player campaign with many enemies to destroy. This comes with a lot of different weapons to use. Will you use the sniper rifle, or are you perhaps a person that uses close combat? There is also a chainsaw for that. I just would not advise trying and chop up enemies that scream and throw bombs at you.
I rate Serious Sam the second encounter with a 6.7 before playing.
There is usually nothing serious about these game, just keep shooting!
The story takes place right after the first game, Sam finally manages to board the SSS Centerprice and make his way to Mental. However, the spaceship crashed down after some kind of weird spacebus hits the ship. Sam sets out to find a new spaceship!
I rate the story of Serious Sam the Second Encounter with a 4.5.
Does anyone even bother with the story? You guys just want to shoot stuff.
The gameplay of Serious Sam the second encounter is very serious. Sorry, I had to do that. It is your job to slay monsters like there is no tomorrow! There will be huge open rooms with many monsters. As you travel through the ages, you will collect new weapons to try on new enemies. You will just have to crush them!
This game also features the serious bomb, it is a new way to get out of serious problems, yes I am seriously going to keep throwing serious things at you. So now you seriously grab that new power up and seriously clear out those monsters, or you can never finish the plot to reach the planet Sirius. That is a serious planet where you need to go to.
This game also features co-op, if you have someone else that likes to get thrown into a room with bouncing enemies. As some rooms have unique elements. It is getting pretty chaotic in this game. It is seriously insane, however the gameplay has not aged very well.
I rate the gameplay of Serious Sam the Second Encounter with a 6.8
While the game is fun, it seems to not have aged very well.
Sound and Graphics
The graphics of Serious Sam the Second Encounter have not aged very well, as in, it aged very bad. Most of the graphics look horrendous, and it could use a serious makeover.
The music is not very attractive, I rather listen to something else when playing this game. However, the quips can be fun.Â
I rate the sound and graphics of Serious Sam the Second Encounter with a 3.3.
This game needs a very serious makeover!
What did I think after playing Serious Sam the Second Encounter?
While I did have some fun when playing this game, the saving mechanic made sure to cause some annoying death loops. Along with the spawning of enemies is not done very well. They can even spawn behind you. No, most of the time they will do that. And I still wonder how an enemy without a head can scream at me.
The new weapons are fun to use, however the sniper rifle can be hard to use, as there are many enemies around you. This game can be played in co-op meaning that one character could provide cover with the sniper rifle. When you are playing in single-player, it might be best to use another weapon.
I rate Serious Sam the Second Encounter with a 6.1.
This game is just, not a lot of fun.
What are my personal thoughts about Serious Sam the Second Encounter?
I rather play any of the other Serious Sam games again, this game was just not my piece of cake.
My personal Rating of Serious Sam the Second Encounter is a 4.1
Last Words
- Find new enemies to kill.
- New weapons to use against your enemies
- Play through many distinct areas
- Play through a big single player campaign.
- Use serious firepower to overwhelm the aliens
- The graphics have seriously aged badly
- The gameplay is not very good
- Using the sniper rifle when alone does not work
- The story is not very good
This game needs a remaster, very badly.
P.S : After finishing this review, I found out, there is an HD remaster, however it stems out of 2010. Is it better? Maybe I need to find out!
Final Rating
Let me know what you think of Serious Sam the Second Encounter in the comments!
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Cool game and review!
So many serious games. After while they will be repetitive game. Just first one was good.
The first one was indeed very good!
Thanks for the review! Not a big fan of FPS games in the first place but if I were to play one, it definitely wouldn’t be this one haha 😀 I’m sure it’s fun for nostalgia reasons for some people!
It does have some nostalgia value but the first one is much better!
Serious Sam: TSE Cathedral theme is my favorite!
this game is not bad but im always prefer doom
Doom is great!
Serious Sam has never been known for its plot.
Are you seriously dissing the plot now? (just kidding but seriously, there is something seriously wrong with calling the planet Sirius.) If you seriously catchy my drift, it is like seriously wrong.
I am more towards your “personal” rating than your critics rating. This one doesn’t deserve my time…
This is indeed a game that you can better skip.