Month: February 2022

Dante’s Inferno review

Introduction Today we will be traversing the nine circles of hell, Dante’s Inferno will take you through a lot off horror like environments. I hope you don’t mind getting eaten by enemies, since they will want to snack on you regularly! There are also a lot of death traps in hell, at least if you die, you are in the afterlife already. It is your goal to save Beatrice and if possible st...[Read More]

Nioh review

Introduction Today we are going to Japan, aka we are going to play Nioh! It has been a while since we have played this game, as it was planned a long time ago, but somehow we never got around to reviewing Nioh. However, we will finally review this game that likes to plague you with hard difficulty, a lot of deaths, and various levels that will test your mettle! What did I think before playing Nioh...[Read More]

Halo 5 review

Introduction This time we will be going back to the Xbox console as the next Halo game is not on Steam! It is time to review Halo 5 Guardians! This time around, though, I have to say up front, this game does not deserve the Halo name. I will explain later as to why! If you are interested in following the story of the Master Chief after the epic conclusion of the previous game, you are in for a big...[Read More]

Mario Party 6 review

Introduction Why don’t we take a break from the shooting in Halo and get started on another Mario Party? This time we will be looking at Mario Party 6! This game adds new features like a day and night cycle that changes the board, as well as add new characters. You should also not forget about the microphone function! Since the story is the same as always, get to know who the superstar is, I...[Read More]

Halo 4 review

Introduction Today we will be looking at the next entry of the Halo franchise, Halo 4! While this is a good game, with some neat mechanics, Halo 4 also has a convoluted story with some plot lines that are ignored. Also, there are a few missing enemies, but new enemies are also added in this game.  The Master Chief and Cortana once again return to fight some aliens! What did I think before playing ...[Read More]

Scarlet Nexus Poll winner January review

Introduction Today we are going to reach deep into your mind as we will be reviewing Scarlet Nexus. This game likes to insert computer cables into your mind which seem to hurt a lot! Let us hope that our future does not look like that. There are also enemies that are called others, these will be the enemies that you will need to destroy them. There are two paths you can take, each path follows the...[Read More]

Battletoads 2020 review

Introduction Today we are going to look at a game that has received a lot of mixed reviews due to some reviewers not knowing the original game, in my honest opinions you need to know the background to successfully rate the evolution of the game. We are talking about the new Battletoads game, is it a game that you can enjoy if you played the original Battletoads game? Luckily, this game had co-op a...[Read More]

Evil Genius 2 review

Introduction Today we are going to be super evil and kill the heroes of the story! If you are looking for a game to be evil. Evil Genius 2 is what you are looking for. As you will choose from several evil villains, all these villains have different main stories as they need to construct doomsday weapons to take over the world! You will need to build up your lair and make sure that your minions are...[Read More]

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