Month: June 2022

Super Epic the Entertainment War review

Introduction Today we are going to review a game that we have been building up with videos for a few weeks! Super Epic the Entertainment War. This is a Metroidvania game that is mostly hidden, we want to see if this game is worth the time to play or not! If you like Metroidvania games, this might be a game that you have missed and might want to give a whirl! What did I think before playing Super E...[Read More]

Bugsnax review

Introduction Today we are going to look at a very cute game. There are lovely creatures that are also snacks, we are going to look at Bugsnax the game! In this game, there is a race called the Grumpus. A few of them are adventurers and found an island called Snaktooth Island where snacks roam around. These bugsnax are in the form of any food that you can think of. Can you collect all the bugsnax? ...[Read More]

Monster Sanctuary review

Introduction Today we are going to catch some monsters in Monster Sanctuary! Not only is this a creature collector with a high difficulty curve, it is also a Metroidvania! Expect to be backtracking a lot, how do you acquire new skills in a creature collector game? Next to some items that grant new abilities, the monsters can help you reach certain places by either flying or swimming. There are a l...[Read More]

Crash Bandicoot 3 review

Introduction Once again we are crashing, faster than before, so fast that we are going to time travel in Crash Bandicoot 3! Are you ready to warp to multiple eras to find time crystals, go back to meet dinosaurs, visit the Great Wall of China and a lot more! This time, you will be able to play as Coco, the sister of Crash. However, some levels are for Crash only. There are a lot of new mechanics, ...[Read More]

Crash Bandicoot 2 review

Introduction Crash is back with another review. This time, we are going to collect the crystals in Crash Bandicoot 2, Cortex is back with an evil plot. There are new mechanics in this game while building upon the old mechanics. I still hate time trials. Instead of a world map, there is now a hub with an elevator that leads to multiple levels and at the end a boss. What did I think before playing C...[Read More]

Viva Piñata: Party Animals review

Introduction Today we are going to party with some piñatas! It is time to race and play mini-games. There is not much else to this game. You can also play co-op, this is only a fun game if you have friends. You get to choose characters from the TV series and then race and gather candy to win the first price! Since this is a party game, there is no story. What did I think before playing Viva Piñata...[Read More]

Crash Bandicoot 1 Review

Introduction Today a new review will be crashing onto the site, Crash Bandicoot 1. We have played this game on the Nsane trilogy of Crash Bandicoot, you can expect reviews of Crash Bandicoot 2 and 3 as well! We still need to complete the time trials and find every hidden gem, but that is quite a hard task for an old school game. Are you up for the challenge to complete this platformer? Or will you...[Read More]

Ys 9 Monstrum Nox review

Introduction Today we will be continuing the journey of Adol Christin, this time he finds himself in the city of Balduq, of course things do not go according to plan! Before he knows it, he finds himself in the unescapable fortress prison of Balduq. Knowing Adol, he escapes within a few days, only to get ambushed and shot to be turned into a monstrum! What did I think before Ys 9 Monstrum Nox? Sin...[Read More]

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