All reviews

Spore Hero Arena Review

Introduction In this review we visit another game in the Spore franchise, this is a spin-off that has mostly disappeared from the massive list of DS games that are available now. There are not even guides or walkthroughs available for Spore Hero Arena but I am fixing that. This entry for Spore focuses mostly on a story and on making your creature the strongest of all in the galaxy! You will need t...[Read More]

Tools Up Review

Introduction Get ready for chaos in the apartment as you need to fix many apartments in a short amount of time. Tools Up is made for multiple people and perfect for some co-op fun. This is a game that can nourish your relationships or destroy them, if someone is feeling bad towards you, they can prevent you from completing the level. Because you will need to work together to paint the house, do th...[Read More]

Paper Mario the Thousand-Year Door+ Modern Version

Introduction The second ROM hacked review has now been aired! I will now take a look at the ROM hacked version of Paper Mario The Thousand-Year Door. This ROM hack does not change too many items in the game but it is mostly bug fixes and fixing of text errors. There are also a few tiny plot holes that have been fixed. These consist mainly of characters that should not know each other but they do k...[Read More]

Yooka-Laylee the Impossible Lair Review

Introduction The second game of the Yooka-Laylee franchise is being reviewed. Is this game as good as the first part or maybe even better? The game leaves all the awesome ideas and progress it made in Yooka-Laylee 1 and creates all new ideas.I was very sad to hear this, when something is not broken don’t fix it. I think they should have improved upon Yooka-Laylee 1 instead of trying to make a game...[Read More]

The Untitled Goose Game-Double Trouble Review

Introduction What is that noise? HOOOOOONK!! There are two geese and they are hell-bent on destruction in the village! What could these geese possibly want and why are they annoying everyone!?In this game, you play as a goose but for this review we did a full co-op run, get ready for double trouble! Harry and Harriet have broken free (yes indeed, we have named our geese)! This game is a very nice ...[Read More]

Foregone Review

Introduction  A new game has released today on October 13th, 2020, Foregone. In this new game, you play as an arbiter, a super-soldier. The art style is very similar to Dead Cells and anyone who has played the game will recognize it immediately.This game is nothing like Dead Cells, whereas Dead Cells is a rogue-like game where you restart at the beginning of the game every time you die in For...[Read More]

Bulletstorm Duke Nukem Edition Review

Introduction Bulletstorm is a very small First-person shooter game that tries to put Duke Nukem into the shoes of Grayson Hunt but fails in every aspect. I don’t know how anyone came up with this crazy idea and thought this would work well. This is purely a marketing stunt to use the Duke Nukem IP instead of making a new Duke Nukem game. There is not even a mention of Grayson Hunt or where he actu...[Read More]

Vaporum Lockdown Review

Introduction This time we are going to take a look at a game that has not been out very long yet, Vaporum Lockdown. This is the second game in the Vaporum franchise but this game is a prequel to Vaporum. In this prequel, we get to see what happened in a tower full of scientific breakthroughs that made the robots go insane. Yes indeed, you will be mostly fighting robots as this game is set in a ste...[Read More]

The Mims Beginning Review

Introduction A god game has entered the fray but this one is honestly a really bad one. The graphics are quite a letdown and the gameplay is not really good as well. If that is not bad enough, you might think it will still be fun to try out this game!There is no save button and the developers have mentioned the game is too far in development for creating a save button. In this game you will need t...[Read More]

Spore-Dark Injection Review

Introduction Are you ready to revisit some memories of playing Spore? Everyone that I know has played Spore in their past to create their perfect creature! There is no game like Spore on the market, it is a unique game that other games try to emulate but no game can get close to the perfection that Spore is able to emulate. There are many bugs, crashes, and problems in Spore but somehow, we all lo...[Read More]

Mr. Cheesy review

Introduction Get ready for the longest retro grater slide ever! There is one tiny problem with sliding down this infinite grater, you are a piece of cheese and they want to serve you in a pasta dish! You must be an Emmentaler cheese if you are good for pasta!If that does not make you shiver while trying to escape ending up in a pasta dish there is a hungry mouse army on the loose. Squeak, a yummy ...[Read More]

Serious Sam 3 BFE

Introduction Get ready for the Serious Sam game that should have been Serious Sam The First Encounter, with many bug fixes and issues solved that occurred in the previous entries in the series. There are some bigger issues like an endless horde of minions, there are almost 2k minions in the last map. The death loop issue has been mostly fixed due to many autosaves occurring. Most of the levels are...[Read More]

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