Cthulhu Clicker review

Can you click the box?

Cthulhu Clicker review


Today we are going to click, click and click some more. We will be offering souls to Cthulhu in this clicker game. Can you click your way to earn Cthulhu’s favor in this game called Cthulhu Clicker? I guess the name says it all. You will have to click like you want no thumbs anymore. There will not be a story in this review.

What did I think before playing Cthulhu Clicker?

It has been a while since I have looked at a clicker game. Thus, I decided to check the Play Store for a new clicker game, but most of them looked pretty boring. Then I came across Cthulhu Clicker, clicking to get souls, feed me Seymour. Uhm, I am sorry, yeah, why don’t we check out the Play Store page?

The Play Store page


It is clear that you will need to click like there is no tomorrow. While clicking to gain more souls, we have to upgrade new minions, and what not? We are going to go into detail on how the mechanics work in the gameplay section of this review. I am quite eager to see how this clicker game pans out.


I rated Cthulhu Clicker with a 6.5 before playing.
While the game did not look perfect, it also did not look bad, meh.


You start as a lowly summoner that wants to become strong enough to summon Cthulhu, there is only way to do that. Keep on clicking, after gaining a few souls, you will be able to also buy minions. These minions are going out to kill people and give you souls per second. There is only one screen that you click on, they do all the killing offscreen.

Once you have upgraded your minions enough times, they might even evolve and give more souls! With these new souls, you can level up to gain more perks. With each level up, it is going to get pricier to level up, but the perks will also be better. Some of these perks include getting more souls per click, or cheaper upgrades, all those kinds of things.

As you progress through the game, you will unlock new scenery where your minions gather along with the chest that you need to click on for souls. Once you have progressed even further, you can send some of your minions to go on a killing spree. This also happens offscreen, but these missions are the best way to get a boatload of souls and buy the pricier minions.


I rated the gameplay of Cthulhu Clicker with a 6.9
While not very fun, it works like it is supposed to, and I think it is quite a niche genre, to just, keep on clicking.

Sound and Graphics


The graphics are static, except for the bouncy chest when you poke it, uhm, click it. There is this fun thing that when you buy new minions or upgrade them, they can be seen in the same room.


I have been dreading the sound section, there are no soundtracks and the sound effects sound more like, yeah, you know what, go play the game.


I rated the sound and graphics of Cthulhu Clicker with a 5.0
This game is not eye-candy.

What did I think after playing Cthulhu Clicker?

I had quite some fun while playing Cthulhu Clicker, but the problem is that you will never be able to keep up with the souls per second. Meaning it might be better to just let the game run idle while you do something differently, maybe it would have been better if the minions added many more souls per click. That is just my five cents though, if you like clicker games, then this will be a fun experience for you.


I rated Cthulhu Clicker with a 6.8 after playing.
This was more fun than I had expected.

What are my personal thoughts about Cthulhu Clicker?

While clicker games are not my go-to genre, I do enjoy them from time to time. There has to be a better clicker game out there.


My personal Rating of Cthulhu Clicker is a 6.2

Last Words



I wonder how many souls you need to actually tame Cthulhu, maybe I will ask our cats.

Final Rating



Please let me know what you think of Cthulhu Clicker in the comments!
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  1. I like all clickers game, but sometimes need to find auto-clicker 😀

  2. Thanks for the presentation, even if the game looks average.

    • It is quite average.

  3. I'm glad to see something new inspired by this mythos, even if only in the form of a mobile game.

    • Yeah, I can understand that.

  4. Good review!

  5. My fingers hurt just thinking of all the screen taps needed to play this. May Cthulhu have mercy on your soul.

    • Tap, tap tap, tap, tap!

  6. Not the best autoclicker game, but i like cthulhu style

  7. Which autoclicker is good? (btw i look at most of rts as autoclickers 😛 )

    • You might need an autoclicker to get far into the game.


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