Dino Trauma review

Dino Trauma review
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    Basic information

    Developer: Phobia Interactive
    Full name: Dino Trauma
    Release date: Early Access
    Released on: Steam
    Cross play: no
    Genre: Indie, Action, first-person shooter, dinosaurs, boomer shooter
    Additional information: Yes, dinosaurs are now a genre.

    Initial thoughts

    Of course, I was interested in playing Dino Trauma, not only does it have dinosaurs to kill, it also has some other neat mechanics. I was very interested to see how this game would unfold in early access. The game might not be complete yet, but it seems to offer quite some levels to explore already.

    Story and setting

    Plot overview

    The story is actually very simple, and also very cliché. You are a secret agent who needs to investigate a lab where dinosaurs roam free. Yes, all other agents are dead, but I am curious to see how the plot unfolds.

    World building and immersion

    This is something where the game does shine. It has a very old feeling due to the graphics, which we will get into later. But the labs feel as if they were kept a secret. Except the dinosaurs didn’t know the rules and decided to go rampant.

    Character development

    There is only a slight bit of character development, it is a shooter game. You do get some files and documents on the dinosaurs, but that is about all that goes into the character development.

    Emotional impact

    There is no real emotional impact for this story. As there is no real investment into the characters.

    Rating for story and setting

    I have visited multiple aspects of the story and after some thought and objective thinking, I rated the story and setting with a 3.5.
    Yes, this game is still in early access, but it is not a shooter where the story outshines the actual gameplay.

    Gameplay and mechanics

    Core gameplay mechanics

    The core mechanics of this game are a bit more complicated than some shooters. As some mechanics will involve you having to repeat levels over and over to gain more buffs. As you kill dinosaurs and explore each levels, I don’t have to explain how to shoot dinosaurs, right? You will get experience points, these can be spent on valuable items or levels up. To get more, replay the same level over and over.

    Difficulty and balance

    The difficulty of the game is hard to judge. Yes, enemies hit hard, they also can kill you fairly quickly. However, there is a lot of health to find in the levels if you know where to look. You do need to save a lot, since dying will otherwise erase a lot of progress. The balance is all over the place, but not in a bad way, I expect this to be fixed in the final release.

    Pacing of the game

    The pacing of the game does take a hit since after each mission you get sent to the hub. Instead of just continuing the game, you will have to repeat some levels again. It also takes numerous tries to get the amount of experience you need for items and level ups.

    Innovation and uniqueness

    There is little innovation in this game as it goes back to the roots of first person shooter. Not only with the graphics but also with the gameplay. It ads a few elements like the hub and a limited amount of story.

    Controls and user interface

    The controls are responsive and smooth. I also learned that after I played the game for this review, a new patch has allowed for controller use. This is very nice, but it is clear this game has a long way to go. The user interface is not cluttered and provides all the information you need.


    Microtransactions available: No


    After combing through many of the mechanics, the pacing and other factors of this game, I rated the gameplay and mechanics with a 7.5.
    Yes, there is still a lot of work to be done with this game, yes there is a lot that needs to be refined. But the concept and the idea of this game is actually very good. After some refinement, this might just be a great indie shooter.

    Graphics and art style

    Quality of graphics and art direction

    The graphics take you back to the time of boomer shooters with pixeled graphics. If you are wondering if they did it well, I think so. It looks old school, but not much. There is a very delicate balance, but this is still a game you should not play if you dislike the old style of games. If you prefer them, then this is the game to check out!

    Technical performances

    There is an advantage to making a boomer shooter and playing one, any potato personal computer can run this game on the highest graphical setting. It runs extremely smooth, no hiccups or frame drops. I did notice a few graphical glitches, but I am going to give this game extra points for that. Can’t make a boomer shooter without having the old school graphical glitches.

    Environment and design uniqueness

    The environment is very fun to explore. As with numerous games in the boomer shooter genre, you are going to get lost and wonder where the fuck is that keycard? Well, what did you know, it was hiding in the toilet all along. The dinosaurs love to jumpscare you, crawl out of tiny holes or come out of the environment.


    It took me some time to give the graphics and art style an objective rating. There are many things to consider, but ultimately, I rated this section with a 9.0.
    This might be the strongest section of this game, I expect with some refinements, new levels to play, more dinosaurs, this game might hit the 9.5 rating.

    Sound and music

    Music score and how it contributed to the game

    The music does take a seat in the background, which might just be the best thing in this game. If the music were in the forefront, it would ruin the immersive experience.

    Sound effects quality

    The sound effects of this game are pretty good. The ambiance helps set the immersion, you are alone and in danger of being ripped to shreds by dinosaurs. There is a small thing I would like to mention. The dinosaur sounds could be amped up a bit to make it even better.

    Voice Acting

    Not applicable


    After a lot of consideration, I rated the sound and music section with a 6.5.
    The dinosaurs need to have their throats checked for better sound effects. After some polishing, this section could get a much better rating.

    Multiplayer components

    Online gameplay experience

    Not applicable.


    Game Length and content volume

    There is quite a lot of game content to explore. Not all the levels are available yet. However, the experience point system adds a lot of length to this game. This is also dangerous since you will have to replay the same level over and over, it can get repetitive.

    Extra Content

    This game is not completed yet, this means that in case the extra content will be more patches with content for the game. 

    Replay value

    While this game is a lot of fun, I have to say that after playing the same level five times in a row, it gets boring. But this might just be me. Thus, I will rate the replay value higher than I initially wanted.


    After thoughtful consideration, I decided to rate the replayability and game length of Dino Trauma with a 7.5. 
    This game does have a way to keep you invested, despite not having plenty of levels for you to explore yet.

    Suggestions and comparisons

    Suggestions and feedback

    There are not plenty of suggestions I would give for this game. There are two points I want to dig into, the first one is very valuable to making this game a great success. The dinosaurs need sounds to warn you that they are coming to rip you to shreds.

    The next suggestion I would like to make is that the leveling up systems need a slight rework. Make it easier to gain experience points, add an arena for leveling, which also adds a lot of replay value to the game. This makes repeating the levels optional, also lower the points required for special items as it is far too high now.


    There are not a lot of comparison that I can make since this game is in early access. But it does remind me a bit of Dino Crisis. I have not played Dino Crisis in a long time. However, it also draws from other boomer shooter games. All in all, Dino trauma is on the right path.

    Personal experiences and anecdotes

    One of my favorite experiences was the dinosaurs tried to jumpscare me, and that there were some other species. Like, the plesiosaurus! I really liked seeing them in the sewers. All in all, fun experiences abound.


    Taking in all the personal experiences with Dino Trauma, I give it a personal rating of 7.5.
    Why are all the dinosaurs this sneaky!?

    Last words



    If you are a fan of boomer shooters, and you don’t mind trying one that is in early access, then Dino Trauma might just be for you. Yes, a lot needs to happen, but the core concept is good.

    Final Rating



    Please let me know what you think of Dino Trauma in the comments!
    I hope you enjoyed reading this review, I hope to see you in the next review!
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    1. FranckCastle

      Hey, I recognize that first picture in the Graphics and art style section! 😀
      Screenshot of the week, the game looks kinda fun. Not really my type in terms of graphics, but I think I would have at least given it a try if it was free.

      • I don't think it is very expensive right now, and it will probably go on sale sometime.

    2. Graphics like VHS. If this was a horror game, it would fit exactly to this game, but unfortunately not. Anyway it looks good game for fun.

      • They do try to jumpscare you!

    3. It is interesting title. Dated and this type of graphics is not big problem for me. My problem might be that I like dinosaurs and I don't like shooting them 😛 I also would like story to have more depth and better level design.

      • The dinosaurs do love eating you.

    4. I agree that the grainy graphics adds to the immersion. I also like that they mention how many secrets there are in the level on the results screen. It helps to avoid missing out some content.

      • Luckily, you can replay the levels later for the secrets if you are missing a key, which can be bought with experience points.

    5. Boomer Shooters for the win XD Best thing about them, is that after a long day I can just turn my brain off and shoot something. 😀

      • Don't accidentally turn off your brain and start shooting in real life.

    6. First thing I thought: why do I feel like knowing the title for ages? 😀
      second thing: it would be so cool to have randomly generated maps. Especially for grinding reasons.
      third: does the controls look a bit sluggish? But might also be the controller, since you said they are fine. 🤷‍♂️

      • The controls are fine, I was distracted the day of making this video. It was just me being sluggish and distracted.

    7. I wonder if this game will one day get an HD graphics (free) DLC... :thinking:

      I understand that everything wants to kill you since it's a game, even though you make banging noise with your gunshots, but don't you ever wonder how would dinosaurs really react to a human doing that? 😀

      And I highly doubt pteranodons would fly like fruit flies lmao.

      • I think real dinosaurs would flee from gunshot sounds. And yes, the pteranodon flies weird.

    8. I think that it doesn't looks like as very much interesting game, graphics also could be better.

      • The graphics are meant to be bad, but I get what you are saying.

    9. Looks like a fun FPS with retro style and has some nice features

      • It does have some nice features.

    10. I like this type of graphic, but yea as Silentrest said its fit better too horror.

      • It might have been a horror game.


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