Idle Slayer review

This game is not idle at all!

Idle Slayer review


Today we will be looking at a game that brings grinding to a whole new level, despite this being an Idle game, you will be grinding mostly actively. Not only that, this game is extremely hard to record a video of due to the stretched graphics it already uses on the smartphone. Thus, I only have some blurry pictures for you! I apologize for the inconvenience but damn, it was annoying to get even these pictures for this review, expect the graphic section to take a fall because of this. There will also not be a story section, there is supposed to be a village but after two months of grinding, I have yet to actually see it, or learn how to unlock it.

What did I think before playing Idle Slayer?

I was looking for a fun game to review, and then I found this game, Idle Slayer. It sounded fun, getting loot and stuff while idle, but in this review, we are going to look at whether this is true or not. And what else this game has to offer! Can you get the premium currency? How is the gameplay? We are going to the Google Play Store to find out more about this game!

The Google Play Store

At first glance, this game looks outstanding and fun, boss fights, a village to help build up, many worlds to explore and other things to do. But we all know, how pages like this can be misleading, or undersell a game. There is only one way to find out what this game has to offer. I have been grinding for almost three months and I still have no clue how to unlock the village.


I rated Idle Slayer with a 5.7 before playing.
Not only does it advertise with the village, a place you might assume you will begin, it has stretched pixel graphics in the screenshots.


This game is all about ascending, you play to gain slayer points while leveling up your equipment. Once you have gained enough slayer points, you will get the option to ascend, then you can use said points to buy new perks to make your next run easier and smooth. With every ascension, you will also gain more coins per second. But if you really want to make any headway in this game, you will need to play active, non-stop. 

There is no clue on how to unlock the village, at first, I thought unlocking ultra ascend would do it. After grinding for a very long time to gather the million slayer points needed, I just started at the beginning of the game again with a few new perks. Yet, I still did not have the village unlocked, and no idea on how to get there. Now, I could google it, but I wanted to find it on my own. I gave up after three months of grinding and called it a day.

You even need to grind to unlock the daily quests, which will give bad rewards most of the time, the balance is absurd with how much you need to grind to achieve new perks. And later on, it gets insane! While I can barely get a million slayer points, there are perks that cost thirty million or more. The minion system has another skill tree that takes ages upon ages to even progress in. As for unlocking new biomes, I have to unlock the village, but I don’t know how. Maybe I need the ability to choose where to teleport to, but how am I possibly going to get five million slayer points? This game just keeps bringing you down, and you will not even get premium currency to upgrade your chance of getting more souls for slayer points.


I rate the gameplay of Idle Slayer with a 2,7
Just, how do I unlock the damn village? Give me any clue. Idle my ass, you barely get rewards when idling, you need to slay actively all the time to even get somewhere. And the perks needed and how much you need to slay is insane. Then there are the ads to actually get something from idling. Or the fact, that getting new equipment for more gold is getting insanely big and huge. It might take you hours to even get access to the new equipment. Only for you to do it again when you ascend. 

Sound and Graphics


The graphics are extremely stretched and unpolished. You can flip the screen for better resolution, however, then you cannot see properly what is coming ahead of you. Thus, you will have to deal with ugly graphics while playing this game if you want an advantage, this also made it impossible for me to make a decent video.


As all you are doing is clicking, the sound effects are always the same, but the soundtracks can be nice, there is a different soundtrack in each biome. But, you cannot choose which biome you are going to visit, unless you manage to scrounge up five million slayer points.


I rate the sound and graphics of Idle Slayer with a 1.9.
I think the pictures in this review say enough.

What did I think after playing Idle Slayer?

While I can understand the appeal, it is a fun game, it is just unbalanced, insanely difficulty, not idle, and especially not fair or fun if you actually try to get further into the game. There are new characters to unlock, but they are mostly for the fashion victims. There is supposedly a story but since I cannot even get to the village, or even know how after three months, I have no clue what it is.

The mini-games are fun, but they should give you a better reward. I also think the treasure hunt mini-game should reward you for patience. For example, if you wait ten seconds, you can see the mimics grin, or stick out their tongue. That way you can rack up countless slayer points, alas that is not the case. 


I rate Idle Slayer with a 2.2 after playing.
While this game may be addictive, it is impossible to decently get further into the game.

What are my personal thoughts about Ide Slayer?

While the gameplay mechanics are, pardon my French, fucked up. It can be a fun game to click, click, and click some more while shooting your bow!


My personal Rating of Idle Slayer is an 5.5
If only that village could be found!

Last Words



Well, what can I say? It might be best to choose another game.

Final Rating



Please let me know what you think of Idle Slayer in the comments!
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  1. The game is the exact opposite of what I'm looking for when I want to play mobile games, I just want to relax and this one seems quite stressful. So I'm quite impressed that you managed to stick it out for 3 months. Thanks for the review!

    • I had to make a proper review, and progress in this game is very slow.

  2. i would not download this game

  3. It seems you've had a bad streak with mobile games lately, particularly with idle games! I'm not sure if there's much good idling to be found out there, and while I'm impressed you stuck this one out for 3 months, it's important to spend most of your time playing worthwhile games!

    • One day, I will find a decent idling game, lol.

  4. Good review! That village is hidden in the leaves.

    • Maybe someone burned it down?

  5. Wow, that´s a LOT of cons!

    • I could have made so many more cons if I wanted.

  6. Idle games can be nice but I think I agree with you here.

  7. Sven, man, how did you endure 3 months with this game if it's so repulsive to you?

    I guess it's sheer dedication to get materials for a proper review. XD

    • Man, you have no idea of the sheer dedication I can have towards something, lol.
      I once played an entire game that I disliked, only to review it with a proper rating, personal, not so much, and it took so long!

  8. That's too bad the game is so hard! It seems like many developers are just following/copying a certain formula that works for other games but they get lazy or have no idea what they're doing...

    • Exactly, this.


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