Megaman X3 revamped review

Time to chip up!

Megaman X3 revamped review


Today we will be looking at the next Megaman X game, that is on the list. Megaman X3! Once again we need to destroy mavericks, but this is after there was a time of peace, and it seems a new virus is making its way into this game. Once again, new abilities and other upgrades will be available in this game. If you are interested in the story of this game, you can check out Megaman Legacy collection review that has the story detailed!

What did I think before replaying Megaman X3?

I was not very interested in replaying Megaman X3, but it does have Zero, who is playable in a limited capacity. Megaman X1 along with Megaman X4 might be the games I loved the most. However, Megaman X3 has plenty of new things to offer while re-using many assets from Megaman X2. The levels do seem longer, though. For more information, we are going to check out the Fandom page!

The Fandom page
While this game once again has new levels, and more enemies to kill, along with mid-bosses in some stages. Like the jellyfish, for example, it does a lot of the same as the previous two games. However, there are new things to do in this game. Along with more levels and secrets! It is best to just get to the gameplay section!


I rated Megaman X3 with a 7.8 before playing.
It is going to take a while to gather all the upgrades in this game.


This is the first game with a significant upgrade to the gameplay. Not only are the upgrades much better this time around, like actually having an item to hunt down secrets. And to see if you have missed something, however, getting this secret means you can avoid getting the booster chips to get the hyperchip, since you can only get that if you do not equip a booster chip!

Something I have been annoyed by in previous game is the slow pace that Megaman X climbs ladders, now he can climb them faster after getting the arm upgrade. Huzzah, a small victory for me. Not only that, it also allows you to charge your energy faster and to a new level. Time to pew pew some mavericks.

If you do want to make good use of the hyperchip, then you should get the upgrades, but not upgrade the upgrades. Get it? Then go to Doppler stage one, and there you can find the hyperchip. This will upgrade your whole suit! Now you can stand still and regenerate health, and even your potions, yay. This is just, amazing, got hurt? Yawn, just wait and heal up. Yeah, this makes the game a lot easier! 


I rate the gameplay of Megaman X3 with a 9.3
The upgrades are good in this game, along with the chips and new weapons, you will have a lot of fun!

Sound and Graphics


The graphics of Megaman X3 are excellent, even more polished compared to the other two games. The levels are larger and seem more diverse in biomes. I am annoyed by the mid-bosses, especially in the beginning when you don’t have plenty of upgrades yet. However, once upgraded, you will have a much easier task with ridding the world of these annoying robots!


The sound is as you would have expected, energetic and fun to listen to. Some of them seem rehashed from the previous two games, but that is not bad in and of itself. I also enjoyed the sound effects.


I rated the sound and graphics with a 9.3
Time for some energetic beats!

What did I think after playing Megaman X3?

The idea of the chips adds a whole new layer to the game, will you get early upgrades, or abstain from them and get the better one later? It is a conundrum which tells you a lot about yourself. Do you have patience or not? Whatever route you go, the new chips are fun to play with. And it only shows of the fantastic things that newer games will add!

There are many new bosses to fight that will once again test your mettle. They all have their pattern when fighting them. If you can learn them, then the boss fights will be much easier. However, once they are hurt, they will become much more erratic. Some of them will even add new attacks, or faster attacks.


I rate Halo 3 with an 8,9 after playing
Time to chip up!

What are my personal thoughts about Megaman X3?

While I loved this game the first time around, the second time around it gets tedious. 


My personal Rating of Megaman X3 is a 6.9
Can you chip off those mavericks?

Last Words



The bosses can be tough before you get some upgrades!

Final Rating



Please let me know what you think of Megaman X3 in the comments!
I hope you enjoyed reading this review, I hope to see you in the next review!
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  1. good one, thanks!

  2. This naming system still confuses me, at least the games are good!

  3. Amazing review!

  4. Good review! The upgrade system looks interesting.

  5. Classic!

  6. Classic one, i'm happy with this review.

  7. The chip system sounds like a really interesting upgrade system that enables different players to achieve satisfaction, both those who are struggling or need/want upgrades right away and more skilled players who can wait longer for a sweeter reward.

  8. X3 I feel is the most challenging of the classic trilogy.

  9. I have to play this game some day, looks so good

  10. another great game and review

  11. i really need to play this

  12. Looks like fun with all the upgrades you can earn and more bosses always make a game more exciting 🙂


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