Miners Settlement review

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Miners Settlement review


Today we are going to look at a clicker game on the Mobile that is called Miner’s settlement. What will you have to do in this game? Well, you will mostly click the screen to get the materials that you need. Can you rebuild the settlement and start mining?

What did I think before playing Miners Settlement?

I did not know exactly what to expect from this game, I saw an ad for this game and I decided, I could try it. It seemed like a fun game, and I don’t have much clicker games that I have reviewed yet. It also seems there will be combat in this game, for more information I went to the Google Play Store.

The Google Playstore Page


This game advertises with many professions that you can try while also making your own avatar. There is a city to build, monsters to fight, people to help. But most of all, you will be clicking this game to get more resources, and seeing the name, you will spend a lot of time in the mine.


I rated Miners Settlement with a 6.3 before playing.
It looked fun, but not fun as in, I can play this for ages.


The story is quite simple, you come back to a destroyed village, and it is your task to repair it, that way, people will come back.


I rated the story of Miners settlement with a 5.5
This is mostly an excuse plot to get a game going.


The gameplay of Miners Settlement is fairly simple, you have a limited inventory, and you will need to collect materials. For example, wood to repair your house, this can be done by clicking the tree over and over again. This also needs to be done with stones, or even mining. You can upgrade your equipment later, like getting better pickaxes or axes to mine faster.

As you need stronger and stronger materials, they will not be easy to click anymore. This is the moment you can start investing in pets, for example, the snails chop wood for you, you can even buy more snails or upgrade their speed. There are many kinds of pets, and all of them are good at mining something. There are even moles!

Once you get the hang of mining, gardening, and even sending out caravans for loot. You can get started on combat, this will be very slow in the beginning as you can only kill a few rats. It is going to take a while before you can make potions reliably. There are many other things to do, like fishing, and there are indeed some microtransaction and even a VIP pass.


I rated the gameplay of Miners Settlement with a 5.8
While it can be fun, there is nothing that stands out in this game.

Sound and Graphics


The graphics of Miners settlement are clunky and most of them look just improper. I was not amazed at all by the graphics. I did like the pets mining stuff for you, it looked quite funny.


The soundtracks and sound effects got boring very soon, it was better to mute the sounds.


I rated the sound and graphics of Miners Settlement with a 4.0

What did I think after playing Miners Settlement?

While it was fun in the beginning to complete some quests, even the dailies, this game got old really fast. You just keep doing basic tasks and the progression is very slow. As in, extremely slow. This bothered me quite a bit, as the only way to speed up was spending money.

You will need to collect shards to unlock new blueprints for blacksmithing. This is going to take ages, especially for the rare blueprints. This game gets boring far before it actually starts.


I rated Miners Settlement with a 4.0 after playing.

What are my personal thoughts about Miners Settlement?

This game could have been much better, it just feels as if this game needs a lot of polish and fewer microtransactions.


My personal Rating of Miners Settlement is a 5.2.
This game could have been better.

Last Words



If you are looking for a fun game, this could be for you, but it does have to be your thing!

Final Rating



Please let me know what you think of Miners Settlement in the comments!
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    expected that this game quick become boring

  2. same as EMPERORU, looks like a game that become quickly very boring, and with clucky graphics like that it also repells me additionally

    • Yeah, it gets boring fast.

  3. It looks good. It can be addictable game.

  4. This game looks like a pretty boring cashgrab... They make it unbearably slow so people get impatient and buy upgrades with real money to get to the good stuff! (If there is any lol!)

  5. boring

  6. Doesn't look bad for a short time, at least seems different

  7. A masterclass in P2W!

    • Correct!

  8. So sad that games like these tend to be so P2W and rushed. I would love a good one of thist sort. And I try out a ton since I'm still hoping agains all hope to find a good one. Thx for making me not try this one 😀

    • Yeah, I really dislike the way the gaming business went, all kinds of microtransactions.

  9. not my kind

  10. Not my kind of game, looks like grindfest (or pay to win) and when hard grind finally end game ends too 😉 But gfx on video are looking nice.

    • It is, indeed, a grindfest.

  11. too much grind is more working than gaming...


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