Today we are going into Russian territory, as we are going to look at a very strange game called Atomic Heart. I am not sure what the developers were thinking when they made this game. It feels very pro-Russian, I don’t know how I feel about that, but I am going to let it slide. We are here for shooting things, and listening to horny robots, not my thing either, but it is damn funny when a fridge starts saying things like I will service you however you want. Yeah, this game is weird.
What did I think before playing Atomic Heart?
I had no clue what to expect before playing this game. A few people told me about this game and it got heavily requested. Which is why I went to look at a trailer, only to be insanely flabbergasted by what I saw. Two dancing robots stabbing each other with unicorn horns? Oh, there were some shooting segments in between. Yeah, this might be the strangest thing I have come across in my whole life of gaming. Oh, well, time to look at the Steam Page.
The Steam Page
This game puts you in a world where you have a glove that talks to you, bikes are stuck in the tree. And weird things go down. Like the robots that are going to try and kill you. The combat seems to be unique as there are many skills and weapons to use. What could possible go in a world where Russia rules it? Probably a lot.
I rate Atomic Heart with a 7.9 before playing.
This game seems like a fun robot shooter!
How am I even going to phrase this? I can barely type these names. A Russian scientist has made a groundbreaking discovery called the kollektiv. It allowed them to win World War 2. Now it seems a utopia has been formed but off course things go wrong when someone hacks the robots, and now you need to kill them and find a way to restore peace to Russia.
I rate the story of Atomic Heart with a 7.1
What is up with those weird twin robots? Why are they in so many cutscenes? Why are they weird? I think, I don’t want the answer.
The gameplay of Atomic Heart is pretty straightforward, you will be put in linear levels with very creepy robots that will try to kill you. Most of all, their mustache. You will have barely any ammo. If you want ammo, you need to craft it from loot that you need to scavenge from many drawers. So many drawers to loot. Why did they have to fill them all!? You can also loot the dead robots, after you chopped them up with your axe. Here’s Johnny!
When the robots attack, you can also dodge, and very soon in the game, you will gain the ability to use special attacks. For example, freezing your opponent. This will slow them down, giving you time to go wild with your axe. Luckily, if you get hurt, there are these healing potions that your glove can eat. Yeah, that glove creeps me out. It also talks to you, a lot.
When you are further in the game, you will find blueprints. These are needed to craft new weapons, or even upgrade old ones. The fridge is very weird. Yes, that is right, you upgrade your items in a fridge. Everything is old school but looks rather futuristic. I am not sure what the developers were thinking but if you want ammo, then the fridge is going to be your best friend. Just don’t let it catch you off guard.
I rate the gameplay of Atomic Heart with a 7.5
The gameplay is fun, it can get a bit repetitive, especially since some weapons are better than the others.
Sound and Graphics
The graphics of this game are amazing! You have this unique world based on a retro future. It looked unique as in, this is not something I have seen before, and the characters feel unique. The twins are certainly strange, especially with their weird way of talking. Scrap that, all the robots in this game are weird.
There are many things in Russian, however, the English voice acting is fine with me. It sounded fine along with the soundtrack. There are quite some cutscenes, so strap in and enjoy the ride!
I rate the sound and graphics of Atomic Heart with an 8.4.
The graphics are very neat!
What did I think after playing Atomic Heart?
I had a lot of fun when playing this game. There are many different areas to explore with robots to kill, mutants to slay, and loot to gather. And by gathering loot, I mean raid every small chest that you can find! You are going to need all of these items, not only for making more ammunition, but also for upgrading your weapons. This is off course very important if you want to survive in this world.
The story caught me off guard, it is a good story but damn, it is weird. There are alternate endings, if you like that, then you will have fun with this game. There are many skills to learn, which you are going to need for some of the tough fights this game is going to throw at you. Not everything is explained properly, but it won’t take long to understand what you need to do.
I rate Atomic Heart with an 8.0 after playing.
If you let the Russian thing slide, this is actually a fun game.
What are my personal thoughts about Atomic Heart?
I get why the twins are important to the story now. But seriously, what the hell? This is not what I expect from a first person shooting game. Oh well, ignoring all the weird stuff that is going on, I had fun shooting things!
My personal Rating of Atomic Heart is a 7.2
This was actually a fun game!
Last Words
- Time bust up robots and mutants.
- Create new weapons and upgrade old ones in the horny fridge.
- Unlock new skills to alter your fighting style.
- Loot every little damn drawer.
- Talk to your actual hand, I mean glove.
- The story is strange but enjoyable.
- The graphics and soundtracks are amazing!
- The boss fights are fun.
- The gameplay can become boring after a while.
- There is a lot of Russian backer material in this game.
I still have no clue what the idea is with the twins.
Final Rating
Let me know what you think of Atomic Heart in the comments!
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Amazing Russian game! Thanks for playing this and for your cool review!
Have a huge problem with the russian developer, dont want that any taxes support the war.
Lol the devs are people like you and me.. they are not politicians
Even the politicians are people!
I liked its graphics. Game is like Fallout.
For the first game of a new studio basically formed of enthusiasts… they did awesome job with art style, graphics and a decent with gameplay. If they learn from the shortcomings of this one they can make even greater sequel.
It is indeed a fun game, the art looked great!
Graphics and art style are great, seems a pretty good game
I’m not a fan of first person games
The graphics look incredible and the retro futuristic look is pretty cool.
Retro future graphics are tight!
Great thing that you mentioned loot all over the place… I spend so much time in games with loot scattered around because I must turn every stone of the game lol. I don’t enjoy it in the end, because I spend most of my time looting trash. 🙁
I’ve had that with some Fallout and Morrowind games…
Soviet Bioshock … Amazing Idea.
I sometimes have that problem as well, I need to have all the loot!
Good review! This game has an interesting setting, and the graphics are stunning.
Not my type of game. Nethertheless, thanks for this review!
This game looks goof but i like Bioschock more
Absolutely loved this game. Don’t understand the hate around this game just because its made by a russian developer (i think its all propaganda)
In the game, there are a lot of pro Russian things going on, I can understand with current world affairs what the problem is.