Today we are going to mutate in Biomutant! A fairly new game that puts you in the paws of a cat like creature that knows some kind of Kung-Fu! This game is an open world game where you wander around to kill enemies, gain experience points and find loot. Off course, you can also craft weapons and there is a lot more to do in this game!
What did I think before playing Biomutant?
We did not know what to expect from Biomutant, but we were interested in exploring another open world game. Did this game have fun easter eggs? How does the fighting work? What would the story be? We had a lot of questions and to start answering a few we went to the Steam page for more information!
The Steam Page
On the Steam page we gain some new information, foremost, this game has mixed reviews on Steam. This game would indeed have crafting along with some kind of genetic crafting which can be boiled down to create a character.
I rate Biomutant with a 6.0 before playing.
I do not mind the mixed reviews, but this seemed to me like just another generic game with an open world, however I expected more as did my wife from the game.
The story is very odd, you are the one person that needs to unite the tribes and kill the four main bosses to save the world tree.
I rate the story of Biomutant with a 2.0
The story is horrible, the tribe uniting can even be skipped! The story was very cliché and will soon be forgotten.
The gameplay of Biomutant is mostly killing bullet sponges with either a stick, either blunt or sharp. You also have guns, but for the beginning monsters you need loads of bullets to put them down. Killing the enemies will give you experience points, these will give you skill points that you can use for class skills, or general.
The classes are crafted very poorly, it does not matter at all what class you choose. The general skills are much better. While you can also learn magic, getting enough mana to use them is hard. We pumped all our points into luck for more loot, and we had no problem with dealing with the giants bosses. These bosses offer a new problem.
While you might prepare for these boss fights, get awesome weapons, have enough medical items, and the other gearing up you might do before a boss. This is all for naught since most of these bosses are fought in a weird contraption and all your preparations and learning of how the game works is for naught.
I rate the gameplay of Biomutant with a 3.3.
There are a lot of mechanics, but somehow it all feels like loos gears instead of a well oiled machine.
Sound and Graphics
While the graphics are good, it gets old and stale extremely fast. The mounts are fun to ride, we called ours Henkie, it looked extremely creepy though. Most of the buildings look the same, the developers played copy and paste buildings! This is the same for many of the tribe forts.
The music is not great, you will hear mostly the same soundtrack. What is mostly annoying, though, is that all characters talk in a weird way, and you need to read the subtitles to understand what in the actual heck is going on.
I rate the sound and graphics of Biomutant with a 3.6
It was just annoying to talk to people, it tries to grasp the soul of weird talking characters from the Sims or Banjo-Kazooie but fails horribly.
What did I think after playing Biomutant?
My wife and I had a lot of fun at first when starting Biomutant, but it faded very quickly once we learned about the tribe hunting. Each tribe is almost the same, especially since it is a real boring activity, it is like the developers knew this and gave you an option to skip it entirely. This is done by defeating the four world bosses first.
You can choose in this game for either a light or dark path. However, it did not change much to the story. You can also rescue prisoners for extra points, however, each interaction is just the same. The combat is lengthy, and some maps need a special suit which will weaken your defenses. For these special suits, you need to complete side quests. There are also mounts, but you cannot summon them everywhere.
I rate Biomutant with a 3.7 after playing.
Imagine, a developer made a very annoying tribe conquering mechanic for a game, the developer thinks it is so bad, it even gives you a way to skip half of the main story! You could even beat the game with the beginning items, also the classes are underwhelming and mean nothing to your gameplay.
What are my personal thoughts about Biomutant?
While the game seems fun at first, you will soon learn this is a generic open world game that tries to fit too many mechanics in one game, but somehow it never clicks together. The balance is wacked out, you can beat the game without even leveling up.
My personal Rating of Biomutant is a 2.0
I had a lot more fun when playing Breath of the Halo, or even Breath of the Wild while hunting Koroks!
Last Words
- Explore a huge open world with many of the same activities
- Craft your own weapons and guns
- Fight four huge bosses
- You can ride creepy mounts, our mount was called Henkie
- Biomutant has a stale open world with many of the same assets
- The game mechanics do not mesh well together
- Leveling up is not balanced
- Bosses are in weird new vehicles, meaning they can be fought at level 1.
- You need suits for certain areas that will weaken your defenses
- You can skip the half of the main story by simply killing the main bosses first instead of taking over tribes
- The story is very cliché
We were entirely wrong, this is not a fun game at all. It is better to steer clear of this game.
Final Rating
Let me know what you think of Biomutant in the comments!
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Nice. Thx !
“Bosses are in weird new vehicles, meaning they can be fought at level 1.” thats so sad
I do feel sorry for the developers who worked hard to create a unique type of open-world game, only for the final product to turn out somewhat generic and repetitive.
Or another hand, your monster is actually hilarious!
this game is so underwhelming. i still don’t understand the hype
Thanks for review, really low rating, not planning to play it.
Combat is the only thing that makes me want to try it.
It’s the developer’s first game and it shows. They need an experienced gameplay designer.
This game was in development forever and looks like each time it was close to release they held back to put in whatever gameplay type was receiving praise at the time.
greatly appreciate the review! I also had high hopes for this game, as it looks interesting, but I lost all interest after reading your opinion… sad that a game with such big potential is so poorly executed
One of the biggest dissapointment in years.
Seems okay to me.
Thanks for letting me avoid the game.
I really didn’t Like the storyteller and the repeditive dialogs but gameplay and the world Design are awesome.
I finished the game with %100 achievement. It has some issues about FPS but i could play it anyway.
Yeah… Everything I saw about this game seemed to point at it being pretty dull and generic, and based on your experience, it turned out to be true. What a shame…