This time we are going back to hell, but this time hell is on earth! In Doom 2, we are gearing up for some fast-paced action! Because this time around, the demons are faster, stronger, and a bit more intelligent, just a little bit. There are new weapons, new maps, new demons to fight, and a lot more! Are you up for the action? Or will the demons take you down! There will not be a story as this game is all about shooting down demons!
What did I think before playing Doom 2?
While you might think, oh it is just Doom in another package with a two plastered on it, that is actually not true! Well, in a certain sense it is. We are going to see if this game feels different enough compared to Doom 1! What kind of trouble will we find ourselves in this time!? Will the new weapons help us? For more information we went to the Steam page!
The Steam Page
The first thing that we notice, is that this game is released in 1994, that is my birth year! There are many additional levels to play, if you ever get bored with the original levels! This time around there are also new weapons like the super shotgun. Boom baby! This is also the game where the Sin boss makes his entrance, all in all, more intense action!
I rate Doom 2 with an 9.6 before playing!
More demons to slaughter!
Once again we are going to hunt down demons and many of the same ones are coming back, but we cannot let them roam around off course! The best thing is to blow them up! This time you will have new weapons! Like the super shotgun that will help you blow up many enemies at once!Â
This time, the levels are going to be a bit more complicated, more pathways, more buttons to push, and more enemies that want to ambush you! The damage that they deal seem to be balanced, and again, you cannot look up and down. So, if you see a demon on high ground, just shoot like a mad man if the cross-hair is on that demon! Snipe them with your shotgun!
If you do not want to play the normal levels, then you can select the master levels of the Final Doom. These can be harder as more enemies are usually present. You will also encounter harder enemies faster but in turn, you will also find better guns faster! Can you survive the demon horde, or will you succumb to their numbers!?
I rate the gameplay of Doom 2 with a 9.7
This game is just slightly better compared to Doom 1!
Sound and Graphics
The graphics of Doom 2 are more polished compared to the previous game. There are also some new enemies, and off course new guns to shoot demons with! The reload mechanic of the super shotgun is very neat.Â
Doom 2 has amazing soundtracks and sound effects! It is time to kill some demons in the most gory ways possible! Hear them die with glee!
I rate the sound and graphics of Doom 2 with a 10.
This game has just aged amazingly! If you are looking for the perfect old-school feel, then you are in the right place!
What did I think after playing Doom 2
This game is even more fun compared to Doom 1, there is a lot more action going on instead of wandering around rooms without demons. Every corner will hold a surprise, some might even say, deadly surprises of rooms full of demons! Luckily, some rooms have explosive barrels! The balancing in this game is superb!
The guns have been balanced a lot more, the super shotgun does insane damage, but the reload time makes it hard to use. The pistol now seems like a more viable option, but the bullets actually run out now. All in all, you have to be careful of what weapon you use, and actually hitting your target might be useful!
I rate Doom 2 with a 9.9 after playing!
This is just more polished demon slaying madness!
What are my personal thoughts about Doom 2?
This game is insane, with the good balance of this game, you can play on higher difficulties to make it feel fair, unless you play on nightmare, that mode is made to make you’re live a living hell!Â
My personal Rating of Doom 2 is a 9.8
Me likey the new shotgun, but it is so slow!
Last Words
- Face off with new demons in Doom 2
- New weapons that you can use too destroy those demons
- Play through bonus missions from the Final Doom
- Amazing graphics and soundtracks!
- The balance of the weapons just feels, right
- The levels are longer and more complicated
- More demons that will ambush you
- The demons have gained a bit of wisdom in the way they attack you, just a little bit though
- There are many extra rooms to explore with guns and health
Doom guy is back, and he is ready to kick some ass! This time, he has new weapons in his arsenal!
Final Rating
Let me know what you think of Doom 2 in the comments!
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Thanks for review 😉
You are welcome!
The graphics of the game still look great to me and the game itself seems to be a timeless classic. I hope to finally nab it in a Steam sale in the near future!
It is also on Gamepass!
No cons. I agree! xD
It’s kinda hard to go back to Doom after playing Doom II, really makes you wish that you had the super shotgun in that game too.
Yeah, Doom 2 is better indeed, it is just, a slightly better Doom.
Legendary game, thanks for the review!)
You are welcome!
Good review! This is such an awesome game!
Thank you!
That’s a pretty cool retro game
Your positive reviews is proof that these developers knew how avoid letting down their fanbase.
The developers back then cared more about the game, than money!
Even after 20 years you could still enjoy it
Thanks for making me feel old
It’s not my style of play but this serves as an introduction 😀
good classic
Doom games will always be a must play classic.
Classic games rule!
Very detailed review