Dungeon of Eyden

Oh no, I broke the game again!

Dungeon of Eyden


Today we are going to review an indie game that is called the Dungeon of Eyden. It is a game that carries the genre of hack and slash with rogue elements. You will also be puzzling in dungeons, that is, if you can defeat the bugs in this game! In the time that I have played, I encountered many bugs! Is this game worth picking up? Or should you help keep it in the abyss of Steam!? There is only one way to find out, read this review!

What did I think before playing Dungeon of Eyden?

The developer of this game had asked me to review this game but has been a while ago. Live happened, and now, I finally get the chance to review this game! My wife and I were interested in trying out co-op at least, in the beginning! All I remembered was that it was a hack and slash game with rogue elements, meaning that if you die, you need to restart the whole game, for more information, I went to the Steam Page!

The Steam Page

The steam page does not have a lot of interesting eye-catcher. Yes, there is text that it is indeed a game that wants to be the next Zelda game. However, there are zero pictures, or any updates at all. I had no clue what to expect from this game, but it did not seem like a fun game that I was excited to play.


I rate Dungeon of Eyden with a 4.1 before playing.
It looked like a very low tier game at first glance, no recent updates, or GIFs to go along with the text.


The story is quite simple, some evil dude made some seals to taint the land and steal everyone’s money. It is your job to go kill that dude, without dying yourself off course.


I rate the story of Dungeon of Eyden with a 2.7.
The story was not original, inventive or, well it barely even moves the game. If you had told me, this game had no story at all, I would have believed you.


The game starts fairly simple, you start in a hub with some shops and chests that you can break for coins. You can also buy maps, this makes it easier to find your way around. You also need to buy keys to open treasure chests. It is all fairly simple, you buy armor to gain more defense, you buy weapons for more damage, and very important to break the game, you buy boots for speed.

The levels are randomly generated, which means that every time you boot up the game you will have different maps to explore, but the random elements will be the same. You will always encounter the same monster in a certain region, the last and strongest monsters will not be in the first area. It is just important to get the map as soon as possible.

While you are exploring the areas. You will get hurt, to regenerate your health you will need to stand still near the fountain. There are skills that you can buy, however you can only have two of them and buying a third will randomly delete one, this is very annoying since you cannot pick which one you are leaving behind!


I rate the gameplay of Dungeon of Eyden with a 3.7.
If you are looking for either a rogue lite game, or an action role playing game, there are much better games to dig up out of the Steam abyss!

Sound and Graphics


The graphics are hand drawn but to be honest, it is nothing special. I think, there should have been put more work into the graphics, and gameplay. Perhaps, this game could have been fun then!


The soundtracks of this game are repetitive and not very good. The sound effects just annoyed me!


I rate the sound and graphics of Dungeon of Eyden with a 5.5.
With some more attention, this could have been a beautiful game.

What did I think after playing Dungeon of Eyden?

Horrible, simply put, but why? Well, you can’t even swing your sword normally with the game shaking so bad, you see the darkness of the abyss. The hit boxes are completely broken, the skills are broken and get replaced very fast. If you die, you get the lamest rewards for your next run, what in the world am I supposed to do with one gold coin extra?

It was also very hard to check my stats, it was just a weird bar, using some bugs, like just swinging your sword like a madman, will teleport you through many objects. Or most likely get you stuck in a wall or a place where you are not supposed to be. The balancing was all over the place. The monsters, could hit you from the other side on the map.


I rate Dungeon of Eyden with a 2.1 after playing.
My wife only played five minutes before saying, nope!

What are my personal thoughts about Dungeon of Eyden?

I was mostly annoyed by this game, everything that you could think of was broken. The shaking of the screen could cause seizures, it was that bad!


My personal Rating of Dungeon of Eyden with a 1.4.
I have no interest in playing this game again!

Last Words



It is best to avoid this game!

Final Rating



Let me know what you think of Dungeon of Eyden in the comments!
I hope you enjoyed reading this review, I hope to see you in the next review!
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  1. Очень хорошо!

  2. This game looks disappointing and I wonder why the developer wanted you to review it. Maybe they thought you would review it favorably if they offered you a free Steam key for it? Anyways, do you often have developers contacting you for reviews of their games and are they ever any good?

    • Yes, I regularly have contact with developers for reviewing games. We also have sponsors for keys and a lot more!
      It is just, I am so swamped all the time, there are developers who get angry with the review, but I am not going to be favorable, no matter how much cash someone offers me.

      If the game is bad, it is bad, simple, right?

  3. Many (even gamebreaking) bugs and game has not received any update since the release date, I think that says it all.

    • That indeed, says a lot!

  4. Im glad that youre doing the reviews... thanks to them I know exactly what games I have to avoid! thanks!

    • This is one that you might want to avoid!

  5. So it an below average game, tell you what they did add Co-op & its very ambitious for makers of the game
    Thanks for the Review 🙂

    • Making a game is very hard!

  6. Looks interesting. Thanks for the review.

  7. Thanks for the review)

  8. Buggy game sadly

  9. 2 questions then. 1) if so bad, why are you giving it away? 2) if so bad, why am i entering for it? lol

    • I got a key for giving away, secondly, people are hoarders, you want your Steam account to grow!

  10. Thanks for the unbiased review. The game was probably too ambitious and now it's too costly to fix.

  11. I'll pass to play this game then. Thanks for review.


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