Today we are going to look at a dinosaurs game, Gigantosaurus The Game, this is a kid’s game. It is made for younger people, but that does not mean that adults can play this game! My wife and I have played this game in co-op. It is your goal to collect the eggs and, I don’t know, bring them back to their nest? While the layout of the worlds and map can be confusing, the difficulty of this game is very low.
What did I think before playing Gigantosaurus The Game?
My wife and I once bought many games in a sale, and this one fell off the wagon. Sadly that has been a very long time ago, and now, this game got added to the Playstation Pass service! Meaning that we immediately decided to jump on the chance to still try this game. We are always in for a 3D platformer, especially if it has dinosaurs! For more information we went to the Steam Page!
Steam Page
After seeing the Steam page, I learned that this game is based on a series that is available on Disney. Which is not something that I knew before starting this game. There are various worlds to discover and collectibles to find. It is your job to find the eggs that are scattered in the various worlds and bring them back to their nests
I rate Gigantosaurus The Game with a 6.4 before playing.
A kids’ dinosaur game, eh, how bad can it be!?
The story starts very simple, the volcano gets blocked by a meteorite, and it is your job to get Giganto to the volcano, so he can smash it to pieces.
I rate the story of Gigantosaurus The Game with a 5.5
The story is mediocre at best, and if you are an adult, then the cutscenes might make feel as if you are suffering. This could be very fun if you have kids though.
In each level, you need to explore and find the eggs that are hidden in many places. You could either go for a set amount of eggs to continue to the next world. Or you could collect them all, along with the other collectibles. There are many collectibles to find if you have a kid, this might be a game that your kid will enjoy playing for a long time.
Once you have enough eggs, you need to race to the next world, you do not need to win this race but doing so will give you a trophy. The races are fairly simple, and you can also find collectibles here. You can retry the races a lot of times to make sure that you get first place and find all the secrets. There are no items in the races, but there are boost pads.
While you explore the worlds, you will encounter bad dinosaurs, if you come too close, you will get teleported to a save spot. Each little dinosaur has a unique skill, so you might need to swap a few times to get all the eggs. As you go through the levels, there will be more bad guys to stop you, and more difficult puzzles to solve, but mostly, the layout and the map are what will confuse you. There are even arrows to point you in the right direction.Â
I rate the gameplay of Gigantosaurus The Game with a 6.8.
While this might be fun for kids, there are many problems with the gameplay. Luckily for kids, it is simplistic.
Sound and Graphics
The graphics of Gigantosaurus The Game are very mediocre at best. There are many clipping issues, map issues, and HUD issues. The graphics of the dinosaurs look a bit, off. I just, can’t place it, but, it is just, not right. The different areas were fun to explore though. There were more worlds than I had expected.
While the soundtracks are fine and mediocre at best. The voice acting is purely for kids, any adult wilt sincerely be annoyed by it unless you are doing this with your kid.
I rate the sound and graphics of Gigantosaurus The Game with a 5.5.
If you have a kid, these graphics are just, fine.
What did I think after playing Gigantosaurus The Game?
My wife and I did enjoy the gameplay, collecting the eggs and looking around at the various dinosaurs. However, as soon as a cutscene began, I got frustrated, the voices, oh my god. If I had a kid, I would not mind and just, endure it, but as an adult, this was horrible. If you have a kid, this game is perfect for playing together.
The confusing layouts of the levels could be hard for kids to understand. They do need an adult to guide them through this game, depending on their age. However, I am sure, this could be a great game to play with your little angel. Especially, if your kid likes dinosaurs, If this game had been a thing when I was young, I would have loved it.
I rate Gigantosaurus The Game with a 6.2 after playing.
If you have kids, this might be a fun game to play with them!
What are my personal thoughts about Gigantosaurus The Game?
If I had been much younger, I would have loved it, as an adult playing this game with my wife, despite having fun in gameplay levels, I hated the cutscenes.
My personal Rating of Gigantosaurus The Game is a 3.1.
This is a hard pass for me as an adult without children.
Last Words
- A fun game to play with your kids
- Gigantosaurus The Game is based on a Disney series
- Travel through many worlds to collect eggs and save the volcano
- The gameplay mechanics are simple for kids.
- There is a co-op mode!
- Not for adults
- Mediocre graphics and soundtracks
- Confusing layout in the levels
- There is a lot of handholding
If I had bought this game, I would have been bummed, playing on the Playstation Pass, I am glad that I can review a kids game for once!
Final Rating
Let me know what you think of Gigantosaurus The Game in the comments!
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Very cool!
Co-op + Dinosaurs? I’m in.
With a non-gamer gf who loves dinos, this seems perfect.
I hope that you will enjoy this game!
If they would have snuck an “adult mode” option in menu with some additional enemies and bosses, the engine would certainly have handled it and Gigantasaurus could have been that rare true all ages game purchase.
I have to agree with you!
I’m quite a fan of dinosaurs myself, but the game seems a bit too childish and simplistic for me. Also, it’s interesting to compare the dinosaur’s designs to the changing public and scientific perceptions of dinosaurs in the modern era; for one thing, some of those dinosaurs may have had feathers on some parts of their bodies.
I dont see any dinosaurs with feathers in this game!
Looks like another game I can skip on steam
At least you know it is not a game for you!
Cute game, but no, thanks
nice review
Definitely not my type
Seems a fun game and good to be able to play it coop
Co-op is always fun!
giganto flop then?
nice cozy game
It looks decent, there are others that are worse, but it still looks too childish
It is indeed, childish!
Ah, the classic story of the meteor blocking the volcano. 😀
But you like the dinosaurs! Why didn’t you bias it to higher personal score!? XD
Since we sincerely thought it was a bit too childish and handholding, but it has been a while since I played it, so I might be wrong.