Today we are going look at a multiplayer shooter game called Goat of Duty. Since we do not have a lot of reviewed games of this genre, and this is a requested review! It seems, we can play as some kind of goat while shooting lasers. It seemed to be some kind of Call of Duty rip-off. But, who knows, this game might actually be fun! There is no story in this game, just shoot and die!
What did I think before playing Goat of Duty?
To be honest, I had no clue what to expect from Goat of Duty when I installed it to review this game. All I knew, you had to shoot people while you play as a goat. It could not be as bad as Goat Simulator, at least, I hoped so. Since I had no idea what to expect from Goat of Duty, I went to the Steam page!
The Steam Page
The first thing that I see, is that this game has been in early access for three years, which is usually not a very good sign with a game of this caliber. There seems to be no lore at all, just silly goat fun, that is, if you have friends because this game is quite old already, how hard is it going to be to find a decent game if you do not have a huge Steam friend list?
I rate Goat of Duty with a 5.5 before playing.
This does not seem like a very fun game unless you have friends to play with.
To be honest, there is not a lot of gameplay to go over. As this game has less to do than arena shooter games. You can equip different skins for when you play the game, by playing a lot of matches, you can unlock other skins but this does not change anything in the game, except, that you look like a different goat.
You can either play against humans, if you can even find a match which I only succeeded in once. Or, you can play against robots, which is what you will be doing most of the time, and it gets old, extremely quickly. As the robots are not very smart, however the balance in this game is whack! You can shoot a robot a million times while it stuck and it won’t die but if it shoots you once, you are dead!
I rate the gameplay of Goat of Duty with a 3.2.
While the idea is neat, this game already passed its multiplayer prime.
Sound and Graphics
The graphics of Goat of Duty are not very good, it all low textures, with many clipping issues. It is also not a good interface, I can barely see how much bullets I have left. It is also very fast-paced, with good way to the map properly.
The sound in this game is so horrible, along with the sound effects that I had to turn it off.
I rate the sound and graphics of Goat of Duty with a 2.3.
Why am I even looking at this game?
What did I think after playing Goat of Duty?
While the game did have its fun elements, there are only bots to shoot down as it was impossible to even find a normal match. This means that you need to have friends on your steam list. This is not something that I enjoyed in this game, I rather have a normal campaign to shoot up things!
The balance in this game is completely whacked up, the guns are at random locations that make no sense. Everything moves, too fast and sometimes when you clearly hit someone, nothing happens. But most of the time, I just explode for no good reason. I don’t see this game ever coming out of early access.
I rate Goat of Duty with a 3.3 after playing.
None of the game mechanics in this game work well with together, it is a huge pile of junk thrown together in the hopes that it would work!
What are my personal thoughts about Goat of Duty?
I did not enjoy this game one bit, the one match that I found, went by so fast, I literally had no clue what happened!
My personal Rating of Goat of Duty is a 2.2!
Cloning Call of Duty is not a good decision!
Last Words
- Use many goat skins to show off to your friends!
- Find weapons to shoot lasers at other goats
- Fight against bots ot your friends!
- This game is still in early access after three years
- The balance is very bad
- Multiplayer is dead
- The HUD is not very good
- The hit boxes are broken
- This game is a clone without creating a seperate identity.
It seems that goats are not good fighters! Or, shooters for that fact.
Final Rating
Let me know what you think of Goat of Duty in the comments!
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It seems that the only good thing about this game is its pun on Call of Duty, unlike many other Goat Simulator rip offs which are just some variant of a something-or-other simulator.
It is indeed a blatant rip-off!
3.6 hmm we should think twice when we want to play this
You should not play this game very quickly.
Happy holidays!
GOAT game
Seems a fun game, hope they work more on it for full release some day
Seems like an abandoned project, there are no players online so you need to play against bots.
It also lacks basic settings like switching off the mouse acceleration and changing the aiming down sights sensitivity.
A shame, really, because people left pretty good reviews in hopes it will one day live. It’s still in early access btw.
It is basically abandonware now…