Little Kitty Big City review

Meow, meow, meow, meow!

Little Kitty Big City review
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    Basic information

    • Developer Name: Double Dagger Studio
    • Full Name: Little Kitty, Big City
    • Release Date: 2024
    • Released on: PC, Nintendo Switch
    • Cross Play: Not available

    Little Kitty, Big City is a charming exploration and adventure game that puts you in the paws of an adventurous cat lost in a sprawling urban jungle. With its whimsical art style and light-hearted gameplay, the game is designed to appeal to cat lovers and casual gamers alike.

    Initial thoughts

    Simone absolutely wanted to play this game. As fellow cat lovers, we were instantly drawn to Little Kitty, Big City. The concept of wandering around as a mischievous cat in a bustling city sounded too good to pass up. Plus, the fact that it’s available on Game Pass made it even more accessible. We were both intrigued to see what kind of adventures awaited us in this feline-friendly title.

    Story and setting

    Plot overview

    The story of Little Kitty, Big City is simple yet endearing. You play as a lost cat trying to find your way home while navigating the challenges and curiosities of the big city. Along the way, you’ll meet quirky characters, complete various tasks, and discover hidden secrets that add depth to the narrative.

    World building and immersion

    The game excels in creating a lively and immersive world. The city is packed with interactive elements, from towering skyscrapers to hidden alleyways. The attention to detail in the environment makes the city feel like a living, breathing entity, full of surprises around every corner.

    Character development

    While the game’s main focus is on exploration, the characters you meet along the way are memorable. Each NPC has a distinct personality, and their interactions with the cat add a layer of charm to the experience. However, the game doesn’t delve deep into character development, as the primary focus is on the cat’s journey.

    Emotional impact

    The game balances light-hearted humor with moments of genuine emotion. Whether it’s the joy of a successful jump or the frustration of a failed mission, the game manages to evoke a wide range of feelings without ever becoming too serious. It’s a feel-good experience that leaves you smiling.

    Rating for story and setting

    I have visited multiple aspects of the story and after some thought and objective thinking, I rated the story and setting with an 8
    Little Kitty is lighthearted but a sincere heart-warming refreshing story compared to all the grim stories I usually enjoy.

    Gameplay and mechanics

    Core gameplay mechanics

    The core gameplay revolves around exploration, puzzle-solving, and interacting with the environment. You’ll spend a lot of time climbing, jumping, and sneaking around the city as you complete tasks and discover new areas. You do need stamina to climb, which is perfectly integrated into the game, just eat a fish!

    Difficulty and balance

    The game is designed to be accessible to all players, with a focus on casual, stress-free gameplay. There are challenges, but nothing too difficult, making it suitable for players of all ages and skill levels.

    Pacing of the game

    The pacing is generally good, with a steady flow of objectives and discoveries to keep you engaged. However, the open-world nature of the game can sometimes lead to moments where you’re not sure what to do next, which can slow down the game. Or you will get sidetracked by something else.

    Innovation and uniqueness

    While the concept of playing as a cat is not entirely new, Little Kitty, Big City brings its own unique twist to the genre with its open-world design and charming narrative. The game doesn’t break new ground in terms of mechanics, but it stands out for its personality and charm.

    Controls and user interface

    The controls are simple and responsive, with a user interface that is clean and easy to navigate. The game is clearly designed with a focus on accessibility, making it easy for anyone to jump in and start playing. A lot of fun for children as well!


    There are no microtransactions in Little Kitty, Big City, which is a refreshing change in today’s gaming landscape.


    After combing through many of the mechanics, the pacing and other factors of this game, I rated the gameplay and mechanics with an 7.5.
    While not groundbreaking, or something new, what it tries to do, it does well.

    Graphics and art style

    Quality of graphics and art direction

    The game’s graphics are vibrant and colorful, with a cartoonish art style that perfectly suits the whimsical nature of the game. While not technically groundbreaking, the visuals are charming and full of personality. There is a lot of clipping, but I somehow expect that to be normal with these graphics.

    Technical performances

    On the technical side, the game runs smoothly, with no significant frame rate drops or glitches. The performance is consistent, making for a smooth gaming experience.

    Environment and design uniqueness

    The city is beautifully crafted, with various locations to explore. Each area is distinct, from busy streets to quiet parks, and the environment feels alive with details that encourage exploration.


    It took me some time to give the graphics and art style an objective rating. There are many things to consider, but ultimately, I rated this section with a 6.0.

    Sound and music

    Music score and how it contributed to the game

    The music in Little Kitty, Big City is light-hearted and playful, perfectly complementing the game’s tone. The soundtrack is catchy and adds to the overall charm of the game.

    Sound effects quality

    The sound effects are well-done, with satisfying audio cues for actions like jumping, interacting with objects, and meowing. The sound design helps to bring the world to life.

    Voice Acting

    There is no traditional voice acting in the game, as the story is told through text and character expressions. However, the lack of voice acting doesn’t detract from the experience.


    After a lot of consideration, I rated the sound and music section with a 7.
    The music is very catchy, and the meowing is great!


    Game Length and content volume

    The game offers a decent length for a casual title, with plenty of side quests and hidden secrets to discover. However, the main story can be completed relatively quickly if you focus solely on the objectives.

    Extra Content

    There is a good amount of extra content, including collectibles and side quests, that add replay value to the game. Exploring every nook and cranny of the city is rewarding, especially for completionists.

    Replay value

    While the main story might not take too long to complete, the charm of the game lies in its exploration and the joy of simply being a cat in a big city. This gives the game a fair amount of replayability, especially for those who enjoy uncovering all of its secrets.


    After thoughtful consideration, I decided to rate the replayability and game length of Little Kitty Big City with a 7.
    If you are looking for some fun with a cat-game, then this is the one you are looking for!

    Suggestions and comparisons

    Suggestions and feedback

    One suggestion for improvement would be to add more variety to the side quests and challenges. While the game is fun, adding a bit more complexity could increase its depth and appeal. Additionally, a multiplayer mode where you can explore the city with friends could add a new layer of enjoyment.


    Little Kitty, Big City can be compared to games like Untitled Goose Game in terms of its humor and sandbox-style gameplay. It also shares similarities with Stray, but with a much lighter tone and a focus on exploration rather than narrative depth.

    Personal experiences and anecdotes

    I had numerous good laughs at how the cat kept clipping through all kinds of items, and the dialogue was fun. The game’s light-hearted approach and charming world kept me engaged, and I found myself smiling throughout the experience. It’s a game that doesn’t take itself too seriously, which makes it a joy to play.


    Taking in all the personal experiences with Little Kitty Big City, I give it a personal rating of 7,5
    Meow like a kitty!

    Last words



    Little Kitty, Big City is a delightful experience that’s perfect for cat lovers and casual gamers. Its charm, humor, and accessible gameplay make it a fun and relaxing game to play. While it may not offer deep storytelling or challenging gameplay, it excels at providing a feel-good experience that’s hard to resist.

    Final Rating



    Please let me know what you think of Little Kitty Big City in the comments!
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    1. FranckCastle

      Thank you for this review! The game looks so cute, and your review helped me confirm that it is sort of a lighter, open-world Stray (the latter not being truly open-world was a slight disappointment to me, although it is still very well-made and the linearity didn't bother me that much in the end).

      • You are right, cats are fun to play as in games, this is fun and lighthearted, but Stray was dark!

    2. I wish, this game had rich stories. I love rich story games.

      • Not every game has a rich story.

    3. I like this rewiew. I will play Little Kitty Big City. This cat is very cute 🙂

      • I hope you will enjoy the game!

    4. Good review even though this is not my type of game.

      • I am glad you liked the review!

    5. Looks like a good game to relax with many animals around

      • It is indeed relaxing!

    6. I can get this game even not rich story.

    7. This sounds like a light hearted version of Stray with even more cuteness! Nice and detailed review.

      • Stray is a lot darker!

    8. I rly love small cozy games like this one. I've been seeing it a lot on Twitch Clips, which also shows a lot of the glitches, since they collect funny clips there and well... glitches tend to be funny 😀 I rly want to play this at some point! <3

      • Glitches can be fun, clipping too, unless it breaks the game!

    9. Thanks for the presentation, it looks like a really fun game to play.

    10. Pretty good score!

      I love it that you scored high on the story due to it's light-hearted and emotional aspects. We all love cats, looks like. :3

      This would have been even greater hit with some grander character (cat) development, and like you mentioned, co-op (multiplayer)!

      • Co-op would have been great!

    11. this looks so cute ^^
      thx for the review

      • You are welcome!

    12. Good cat game, approved.

      • Catas are approved!

    13. Looks to be a fun and cute game:)

      • Indeed, very fun!

    14. Brave cat. Look like a fun game. I will see video too.

      • I am scared of heights, lol!

    15. This game is beyond adorable, it's the perfect kind of game for me! Cute animals, open world exploration, missions and collecting! Love the silly vibes too with the conversations and cute costumes! 🙂

      • Hope you will play the game and then enjoy it!


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