Metal Hellsinger review

It is time to shoot my gun on the beat! Wait, what is the beat again?

Metal Hellsinger review


Today we are going to review a game that mixes two odd genres, a rhythmic shooter, can you shoot demons on the beat? Spoiler alert, this is not my forte and I kind of suck at rhythmic games. Nonetheless, I am going to do my best to see if this game is fun, and how it works! Can we kill on the beat, or will the beat kill us!? I already know the answer, do you?

What did I think before playing Metal Hellsinger?

This game has been requested by someone, which is how I found it. Thank you, Myr, for requesting this game! Now, what did I think about this game? I looked at a trailer, and it immediately reminded me of games like Doom, where you also traverse into hell to shoot demons, but it is clear, the developers had put a focus on the story. So, I intend to check that out! For more information we went to the Steam page!

The Steam Page
It immediately becomes clear that you need to slay on the beat, guitar hero, but instead of just mashing buttons, you will be shooting on the beat, oh dear, I am going down! While I love metal music, and guns for shooting demons, doing it on the beat, it is just not my thing! I have to admire the developers going out of their way to make songs for this game, instead of just ripping off metal songs! 


I rate Metal Hellsinger with an 8.6 before playing.
While this is absolutely not my style, the game looks perfect, but a bit short. 


A demon has come to hell to find her voice, it has been taken from her, but instead she got locked up. She tries to escape but instead, she finds a skull named Paz, together they set out on an epic journey through hell while shooting on the beat!


I rate the story of Metal Hellsinger with an 8.5.
This game might be a bit short, but it fully focuses on the story, there is a lot of interaction and a neat cliffhanger.


The gameplay is very simple, you have a sword, and you go through hell while beating up demons. If it were that simple, then you would not have a review of this game! While you try to kill the demons in hell, you will hear an epic beat. You will need to slash on the beat, or your hits will do nothing to the demons. There is a cursor that shows you the beat, it sounds easy, but it is not.

Do you want to dodge? Do it on the beat, do you want to beat up some pots? Do it on the beat. Even reloading needs to be done on the beat, that is, after you have unlocked the first gun, this one acts like a shotgun. But herein lies a problem, the shotgun does not have a lot of ammo, and you need to shoot and reload on the beat. However, a shotgun is slow and the metal music is fast, this is where a huge problem came in for me.

Now comes one of the biggest flaws of the game, I love to hear the vocals. However, you only get to hear them if you are actually good at the game. As you will shoot and kill on the beat, your fury multiplier will go up, but only when you have reached a 16 time multiplier, that is when they start singing. For someone that is not good on killing on the beat, I barely heard singing!


I rate the gameplay of Metal Hellsinger with an 8.1.
While I love the game, it was not my slice of fun.

Sound and Graphics


The graphics are quite amazing and detailed. There are many demons to slay and oh my god, those first demons look sincerely creepy. I do not want one of those weird things chasing me. I would have to grab a banana to kill them! If you manage to slice on the beat, it looks quite great. Just, the beat, oh my god, I dislike shooting on the beat!


The sound is off course, epic! That is, if you like metal music. If you dislike metal, then you should avoid this game. But as I said, I enjoyed that the developers went out of their way to make their own soundtracks! The narration is also spot on!


I rate the sound and graphics of Metal Hellsinger with a 9.8.
I had to listen to the tracks outside the game, but they are very enjoyable!

What did I think after playing Metal Hellsinger?

While I did enjoy the story, and the narration. The gameplay was just not my slice of cake. If there is something that I cannot do, it is shooting on the beat. However, the mechanics were mixed well with shooting. But if you play this game, you are mostly playing this for the story! Oh, and the music!

The guns. And sword are quite fun to use. However, I just, dislike doing it on the beat. If this were just a normal first-person shooter game with a sword. I would have been through this game in no time! To be honest, I rather play some more old school Doom, however it says nothing about the amazing quality of this game, it is just not my thing, but if you love doing things on the beat, and love metal music, this game is perfect for you!


I rate Metal Hellsinger with a 9.2 after playing.
While it is a niche genre, the whole shebang works very well together!

What are my personal thoughts about Metal Hellsinger?

I really did not like this game! Oh my god, I rather play some Doom! While this game is fun and quite perfectly mashed together, it is just not my thing, which is possible, but I think that p[people that like rhythm games, and metal music will have a great time with this game!


My personal Rating of Metal Hellsinger is 5.5.
I would not play this game for fun very quickly again!

Last Words



I would have loved it, if there was a mode in the game, that would disable all the rhythmic elements and just turn it into a first-person shooter, I would have loved it way more!

Final Rating



Let me know what you think of Metal Hellsinger in the comments!
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  1. This game is really fun

  2. I adore niche games that mix normally separate genres together, even if it may raise some eyebrows and the result may not be perfect because of its experimental nature. Therefore, I appreciate the developers' hard work at making Metal Hellsinger, especially with making their own music for the game, which I didn't know until I read this review. Also, I am decent at rhythm games, but not really at first person shooters, but the game may still be for me, especially with its good narrative!

    • I did like the narrative a lot! However, the rhythmic element is not my thing at all! They did however combine it well in this game!

  3. Thanks 😉

  4. I played its demo. That was hella game.

  5. what a game, love the idea and the execution!

    • The execution is great

  6. I don't think this is the game for me. I know from other rhythm game fusions that I'm really bad at them. I can keep a rhythm but only if I'm playing plain music, not when I'm doing also some other activity I usually don't need such precise timing for.

    • I have always been bad at keeping the rhythm!

  7. Very funny game, one of the best rhythm game.

  8. Good review! It's hard when you want to kill demons as fast as possible, but you need to wait for the beat... and get it right!

    • Yeah, that was my problem lol

  9. Looks really good and fun, similar to BPM and great music.

  10. This next level of rhythm games

  11. great soundtrack in this game 🤘

    • Indeed!

  12. not interested in it

  13. You are very welcome. Haha I had the same trouble with not hearing vocals offen.

    • Yeah, this is not my thing! I am glad you requested this game!

  14. heavy, man

  15. The music is impressive, but I don't like to be a demon...


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