Okami HD review

Time to face the motion blur!

Okami HD review


Today we are going to look at Okami HD, this is a game that has mostly linear design, but there are some places that you can explore side quest, or do other things. This is a game that is mostly based on Japanese folklore. You play as a wolf in a very inky world. Can you save the world from evil!?

What did I think before playing Okami HD?

I was looking at what kind of game to play, I have many suitors and games that I want to try. This one however stood out as a game I have been wanting to play for a long time. Thus, it was finally time to play this game. A lot of people have heard about Okami and how it follows a Legend of Zelda like method of playing. For more information I went to the Steam Page!

The Steam Page

The Steam page is not very helpful as to what you can expect from this game. It mostly refers to the breathtaking resolution of the HD version. It will be your job as a white wolf to stop Japan from getting destroyed. There is only one way to do that, you will need to fight to get stronger and banish the demon Orochi!


I rate Okami HD with a 7.7 before playing.
It is time to become a white wolf!


There is peace in the land but, off course as it tends to go, some idiot removes the sword and lets darkness out. This awakes Okami to once again seal up darkness with her friend Issun.


I rate the story of Okami HD with an 8.9
I thoroughly enjoyed the story, the ending battle was, spectacular!


This game has a few unique mechanics, but most importantly is the amazing graphics where you will wander in as you explore the lands that need to be saved. You will need to go through the main quest by beating up baddies with weapons, special techniques and other items that you will earn later in the game. If you complete these battles quickly, you can get more money that you will be needing later on.

After combat, you might notice you will find rare demon fangs. These are important, they are not needed to complete the game, but you will need these to make your life easier, along with some yen, the cash in this game. You will find dojos and merchants to spend your earned goods. You will need weapons, that are based on Japanese folklore to become stronger.

This game also makes use of the ability to paint, the celestial brush. You will need to learn patterns to for example blow wind, but most of these abilities can be upgraded. It also means you will need to paint a different pattern. Eventually you will get the hang of it!


I rate the gameplay of Okami HD with an 8.4
The gameplay is very fun, I enjoyed it, and it did remind me of Legend of Zelda.

Sound and Graphics


The graphics are unique as they take on an ink based format. This all starts with the intro of the game. I am really wondering how the developers pulled off this magnificent style.


The soundtracks are very enjoyable, the sound effects as well. It felts as if the developer found a perfect way to create an ambiance as if you are in Japan.


I rate the sound and graphics of Okami HD with a 9.0
Just, superb!

What did I think after playing Okami HD?

I like the idea that you are an awakened sun god that needs to balance out the darkness in the world, by painting. There is a lot of character development for the characters as you progress through the story. Luckily, we have a comic relief character.

I enjoyed all the side content that gets offered while you are exploring the world that Okami HD is offering you. There is a lot that this game offers you in puzzles, combat, and a lot more!


I rate Okami HD with an 8.3 after playing. 
I did enjoy this game, but I rather play something else, the gameplay mechanics are great!

What are my personal thoughts about Okami HD?

This game was fun, and it has great gameplay mechanics but I kind of rushed through as it was hard for me to keep the focus on the game, this was totally not my thing, even though I like the story and gameplay mechanics.


My personal Rating of Okami HD is a 5.5.
This was not really my thing.

Last Words



I am kind of glad this game is finally over!

Final Rating



Let me know what you think of Okami HD in the comments!
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  1. Not for everyone.

  2. Right, the game is not for everyone. Altough it's a good game, with a really cool concept and a pretty good history.

  3. wow, what a roller coaster, unfortunately it fell off 🙁

  4. Thank you! This is awesome!

  5. Game was not good as expected

  6. sounds interesting, even though its not for everyone

  7. Seems like a game that art majors unconcerned about technical aspects might play.

  8. Such a low score for a game with few cons and a lot of pros.

  9. Seems a different and nice game, art style looks pretty cool

  10. it looks like a nice game to me

  11. I'm so glad that this game was remastered and I'll finally be able to play it on a system I actually own! As always, thanks for the review!

  12. Not a fan of motion blur but I do like the "inked" graphics.


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