Today we are going to review an action role playing game called Van Helsing the Final Cut, this game is by now, taken offline. Meaning, there is only offline play for this game. This game was originally three different games but in this version, they have been pasted together while making some neat changes. However, due to this game being cut in three, I am not going to write a story section for this game. Simply put, you are going to travel to Borgovia and kill monsters!
What did I think before playing Van Helsing the Final Cut?
It has been a long time since I played this game, all I knew, was that it was an action role playing game. And that I have several max level characters. This game always had a lot of fun easter eggs. There is also a boatload of loot find while a ghost is following you around. This ghost would be your companion and could also be modified for combat, or just passive buffs! For more information, I went to the Steam Page!
The Steam Page
There is a lot that this game has to offer you, I already put in over 200 hours before even thinking about reviewing that game, mind you, that was over five years ago. So, for this review, I needed to do some research into my old characters and the gameplay mechanics. Needless to say, if you want to hack up some monster while gathering insane amounts of loot, this might be the game for you!
I rate Van Helsing the Final Cut with a 7.1 before playing.
While this might not be the Best action role playing game out there, it does have a lot of Easter eggs and loot to hunt down!
The game is divided into multiple chapters and arc, but before you can begin, you will need to select the class that fits you. All character classes have their own skill tree with unique buffs and attacks. Most of them are balanced, but I have maxed the construction class because of all the drones that you can plant on the ground. These are good for taking out enemies, but as a ranged class, you have less health and defense.
You also have a ghost companion called Katarina, this character will aid you on your quest to find the best loot ever! You will need to level her up as well as increase her stats. Some of the loot that you find, might even be for her. You can turn her into a tank for if you have a ranged character, or perhaps, you would like for her to be a glass cannon with very high damage? There are many possibilities!
There are many more mechanics in this game that make it interesting, a boatload of quests with loot as a reward. Bosses to fight, an adventure map to explore old areas with a goal in mind. It is all up to you on how you will level your character to the max. Sadly, the game is now offline and online co-op is not an option more. This was a very wanted feature when my wife and I leveled our character together!
I rate the gameplay of Van Helsing the Final Cut with a 7.4.
There are a lot of gameplay mechanics, too many to mention in this review, buy this game on sale and get many hours of fun!
Sound and Graphics
While the graphics are good, there is a lot of recycled content, mostly later in the game. This is most likely due to the game being quite long. They ran out of ideas for new monsters. This is a common issue. However, the game is still very fun to look at with flashy skills going off all over the screen!
The soundtracks are fun to listen to, the sound effects are great as well! There is nothing special to mention about the sound, it is, enjoyable!
I rate the sound and graphics of Van Helsing the Final Cut with a 6.8.
The graphics are mediocre at best due to the many recycled content, but the soundtracks are at least fun to listen to!
What did I think after playing Van Helsing the Final Cut?
My wife and I had a great time when playing this game together, sadly the co-op function is not available anymore, and after trying to replay the game after five years or so, I cannot get in the flow to play it again. I made a new character for some research for the review. For the more advanced mechanics, I used my max level characters!
The best thing in this game are the easter eggs, there are just so many of them! If you try to find them all, you are going to need a guide! My wife and I used to play a lot of bounties back in the day. These are quests to gain fate points and glory, these can also be used to upgrade your character, got to see those numbers go up!
I rate Van Helsing the Final Cut with a 6.8 after playing.
While this game is fun, it not the best action role playing game out there!
What are my personal thoughts about Van Helsing the Final Cut?
It was just impossible to get back into the flow of really finishing the campaign once again. I just did the research needed for the review, along with checking out my buffed up godly characters, which I barely had any clue how to use anymore.
My personal Rating of Van Helsing the Final Cut is a 3.6.
I rather play Grim Dawn again!
Last Words
- Choose from six classes to traverse the campaign!
- There are many different skills to build the character that you want!
- Customize your ghost companion!
- The soundtracks and graphics are mediocre at best.
- Collect an insane amount of loot.
- Many deep gameplay mechanics
- Online is no longer supported
- Hard to get back in the game after quitting
- Co-op is no longer available
- There is a lot of recycled content!
If you are looking for a mediocre but fun game, this might be perfect game for you!
Final Rating
Let me know what you think of Van Helsing the Final Cut in the comments!
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Thank you for the nice review!
I have a question about GA: How do you verify these “leave a comment” tasks? Because I have one email for reviewsbysupersven site, with another email I logged on GA and commented video on YouTube under another the 3rd email. I assume you will reroll winner in that case – you will see 1 mail that was confirmed in GA, but will not find confirmation about completing tasks :/
Our system checks it out and lets me know the winner.
Co-op is no longer available? easy pass for me
Yeah, they should just have split screen or something!
I wish that the mod managers managed to patch up a mod to support something like this at least. I guess Grim Dawn is still the choice for a dark adventure instead of this one.
This game impressed me, also I’m a fan of Van helsing
Great review! The game has its flaws but I think, for what it is, it definitely gets the job done.
Thank you!
For me Coop is really important for Dungeon crawler Games. The Grind is easier with friends 😉
Yes, indeed it is!
It’s too bad about the co-op, it would have been nice if they allowed for couch co-op as well. Servers and online content don’t last and aren’t available forever, though more and more games seem to be making use of them, for better or worse!
Yeah, I am missing the old days when a lot of games had split screen co-op! Now it is more of a hunt to find these games!
Love vampires!
Хороший обзор!
Good review! This is a decent ARPG.
Fun game and nice recommendation. Thanks!
As i thought, thanks for review.
You are welcome!
I didn’t know this game was the final version of the trilogy, always thought it would be the final for the first game. I only played the third which is the worst of the trilogy, but it was quite entertaining, although i wouldn’t want to play it again.
Why do gaming companies kill their multiplayer and co-op systems?
Because they want cold hard cash, and they don’t care about player opinions mostly.
Good review)
Nice review! I don’t like ARPGs all that much but this game looks okay.
Thank you!
rating seems about right
There had bundle on Steam. Thats cool game but i havent played yet.
Отличный обзор!
Love vampire theme game! Thanks for the review.
I played this one before for some time and it seemed pretty neat!
But yeah, I can definetely tell that I’m going to have to restart from the beginning if I ever come back to it, and I didn’t even make it that far into the game! XD
It has been a very long time for me too.