Mojito the Cat Short Review

Why don't you just keep cubing along?




Today we are doing a short review of Mojito the cat. What is Mojito the cat exactly? Mojito is a 3D puzzle with geometric solutions. This means you will have to defy the gravity as you will scale walls or roll down walls. There are a lot of different worlds for you to explore. You will also unlock more skins as you play through the game. Can you solve all the puzzles in the minimum amount of moves or will you get stuck in an infinite loop? I will not write a story section because there is no story in Mojito the cat. Please note that Mojito the cat is only available on Android but the game is free to play.


In Mojito the cat you will need to visit multiple worlds as you try to collect all the skins. The puzzles will become harder as you progress through the game. Objects like breakable bridges and elevators will stand in your way but that is not all. Your goal is to collect the key and reach the ending, you will have to switch the gravity of the level multiple times. These puzzles can be brain crackers if you want all the golden cubes! What is your reward for getting the best score available you ask?

When selecting a level you will be shown the minimum amount of moves to complete that level. You will also need to collect the key and the coins in the level while attempting the minimum moves. Otherwise, you will not get the best score available. If you manage to complete the level in the minimum amount of moves you will gain three golden cubes. These are needed to unlock new worlds and skins. My favorite skins are the shark and the unicorn. The shark costs coins but you can collect these in the levels while playing.


I rate the gameplay of Mojito the Cat with a 7.0
The gameplay you find in Mojito the cat is reminiscent of puzzle games like Captain Toad and other puzzle games that do not allow you to jump. There are many different puzzles and worlds to visit. The game is also playable offline, great for traveling. The only downside that I can see is the ads but the developer added a button to remove all ads. This would mean you actually have to purchase the game for a small price. Except for the ads, I do like the gameplay of Mojito.

Sound and Graphics


The graphics of Mojito the cat are not state of the art but they are quite good. I love how all worlds have a different biome and assets. I think the skins look great as well except the unicorn has a slight problem. My horn keeps sticking into the ground, seems like a small oversight. This must hurt the univorn a lot.


The soundtracks in Mojito the Cat are fun and relaxing. The music changes quite often but some of the sound effects are quite annoying. I am talking about the breaking bridge sound effect. 


The rating for sound and graphics for Mojito the cat is 7.5.
I think the graphics are amazing for a mobile game with many different worlds. The soundtracks are good but the sound effects let me down.

My personal thoughts about Mojito the Cat

I have to say I enjoyed playing Mojito the cat more than I expected. I disliked the ads but that goes for almost every mobile game. This is not personal against Mojito. My wife also played the game and we both agree that we also like that the game does not need a WI-FI  connection to work. This makes the game great for when you are traveling and need a brain cracker.


I rate Mojito the cat with my personal  rating for an 8.0
I like to have a brain-cracking game with me while traveling. This game also does not need a WI-FI connection. Despite the ads, this is one of the more fun games in the mobile store. I like that smaller brands put more work and energy in their game to make it work better!

Last Words



If you are looking for a fun puzzle game then this is the game that you have been looking for. I had more fun than I had expected when playing Mojito the Cat.
Interested in downloading this game for free?

The final rating for Mojito the Cat is...



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