Postal 2 review

How dare you to call me a lunatic!?

Postal 2 review


Today we are going mental in Postal 2! This video game will show you, just how violent you are! Are you a person that rather decapitate people, or will you peacefully complete your tasks? It is all up to you in this game from the year 2003 that allows you a lot of freedom. Which was very amazing back then, while I have played this game when it came out twenty years ago, I will treat this game as if I am playing it for the first time, as I do not remember much about my time playing this game, it is time to go Postal!

What did I think before playing Postal 2

Postal 2 looks like a very old mundane game, you are a dude that has a shitty life, a shitty job, and not even a nice wife. Phew, it seems that I dodged a bullet as I have a great life! Your week starts on Monday, your wife asks you to do some tasks. I am unsure how this can spiral out of control. The graphics evoke nostalgia, but the question is, are these graphics still good in this year? There is only one way to find out more about Postal 2, it is time to go to the Steam page!

The Steam page
A major thing about this game, is that it is only as violent as you make it to be. You can complete this game without hurting a single fly, or even picking up a gun. However, my point of view is, in video games, things are not real, and you can go completely wild, thus it will only take me a minute before decapitating a person. This game takes place in a non-linear open world, allowing you a lot of freedom on when and how you will complete said tasks, like picking up your money to get milk from the store.


I rate Postal 2 with an 8.6 before playing.
If you are interested in going wild, or just a walking simulator, this is the game for you.


The story is quite simple, you have a shitty life, and you need to complete tasks. However, someone might just go insane when picking up milk. Can you make it through the week while avoiding the cops, or even drawing their attention, ever!?


I rate the story of Postal 2 with a 6.8.
This game is not about the story but it is rather about, what will you do!?


There are a lot of gameplay elements in this game, you can find a lot of items, or even money to buy guns. As soon as you find a person, you can just, walk past by them. Or you can go ahead, pick up a shovel and decapitate him. As long as you clear your tasks. You will even have a dog that will probably take the head of your victim to play with it. As you explore the world more, you might find different weapons to make more victims, or you can just stash them away.

This game is pretty violent, if you want it to be, meaning you can do stupid ridiculous things, like for example, shoot the protestors dead and pee on their face. Like, why would I even do that? I have no idea, they were shouting, I pulled my gun, and well, chaos ensued and soon, they were dead. Oh, no the cops show up, just shoot them in the face or hide. Killing cops is a great way for finding guns and ammo!

If you are peaceful, you even interact with some people. While there are cars in this game, they are all broken, useless scrap. Thus, the best thing to do, is make them go boom, it would be best to do that if people are nearby! Make the people go boom! If you dislike cats, then there are cats that you can, put on your gun and kill. Yeah, I am not even going to describe that, it might be best to just, end the cat right away.


I rate the gameplay of Postal 2 with a 9.4.
This is an amazing game, it has an open world, your choice matters! But most importantly, can you make it through a week without going postal!?

Sound and Graphics


Oh my god, why do those people look that pixelated!? Because that was normal back when I was young, live with it! The graphics still look decent, even if you see that this game is much older. There are different areas to explore in this small open world. While it could have aged better, it actually looks pretty good for a game that is twenty years old!


The soundtracks are fun to listen to, but the sound effects are even better. However, the things people say are just hilarious, you are a lunatic, then you can proceed to shoot said person through the head, then your character will respond, let’s see if you like being called a lunatic!


I rate the sound and graphics of Postal 2 with an 8.7.
The graphics are still very good, it invokes a lot of nostalgia for a bygone era, and to be fair, you should run with scissors. Hold on that has nothing to do with the graphics, I mean, there are a lot of variety on weapons.

What did I think after playing Postal 2?

Off course, I went postal within a few minutes. I picked up a shovel, went over to the first person I could find, and kill him. Then I picked up a gun and started shooting everyone on the street while going to check where to find the milk and the check. This game gives you a lot of free will.

You will also have health, and cops have guns, meaning you need to be careful about losing too much health, or you might die. Luckily, you can just break in many houses and steal their med packs. What even gives them the right to hog those med packs!? If you kill some people, you might even find money to buy more bullets!


I rate Postal 2 with a 9.1 after playing.
For an old game, you can still have a lot of fun with Postal 2.

What are my personal thoughts about Postal 2

This game is amazing! This feels like a game back when the developers really cared about their games. When this game came out, it was a whole thing that people thought, video games make you violent, if you ask my opinion, I think video games allow you to show your emotions in a safe environment, for example, releasing your anger.


My personal Rating of Postal 2 is an 8.7.
This is a fun game, you can do whatever you want!

Last Words



It is time to go violent, or not, it all depends on you. If you have violent urges, you can safely release them in video games, or maybe you are just a bit sadistic.

Final Rating



Let me know what you think of Postal 2 in the comments!
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  1. I always loved the postal games, even though they are a bit janky, that is what bring the charm

    • Janky is sometimes good!

  2. The movie on this game was also very killer. At least in my own time.

  3. Wow i didn't play this one. The gameplay looks really cool 😀 also i don't mind playing old games... you convinced me to play it 😛

  4. Oh dark and sweet childhood gore nostalgia. Thanks for that!

  5. I'm yet to play it, this review gives me more motivation.

  6. Thank you! This is awesome!

  7. Who here has first heard about this franchise via some terrible game adaptation?

  8. sounds interesting

  9. One of the greatest games of all time!

  10. This is a cool old game fun to play

  11. Haven't played this game before. Definitely want to try it sometime.

  12. a bloody good time

  13. Postal 2 is an immersive sim, prove me wrong 🙂

  14. Had much fun. 8/10

  15. I really love open world games with freedom to do random stuff but I'm not a fan of too much violence/gore, makes me feel more stressed lol! Especially not against an innocent kitty D:

  16. From the review it seems the game is not all that bad, not only controversy but also some even non-linear gameplay 😉 but with no complex story it is probably not that important..


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